Tag Archives: garden thought

Thursday’s Thought-If You Have A Garden

Since I have been spending a bit of time out in my yard, I decided that I would do a thought about gardens!  :)  I have had this thought up in my office for awhile, but decided that it needed to be prettied up a bit.  So here is my new version:


This quote is by Marcus Tullius Cicero.

I actually printed this out and put in a frame so I can now replace my old version with this new fun bright version!

I love planting flowers and I actually went with my dad yesterday to a nursery and we both got a couple of flats of flowers!  His are to plant along his driveway, mine are to plant some more pots!  I love planting pots…because you don’t have to weed them!  :)  I will take pictures when I get all of my pots planted.

The part about this saying that I have not done well with… is the library part.  I have plenty of books to read, I just cannot seem to get to them!  I love to read, but it is a luxury that I just cannot seem to find the time to do anymore.  If I read for 20-30 minutes every morning, that is about all I get in!  SOMEDAY…I will read more again!

Hope you all have a great Thursday!

Thanks for visiting!