Tag Archives: printable thought

Thursday’s Thought-Every Love Story…

How is everyone doing today?  I am still in the cleaning out and organizing mode!  I love it when I get in this mode, I seem to get this way every January and I have to take advantage of it because it does not seem to stay very long!  I got my closet all cleaned out and organized and most of my office (I still need to work on my desk top a little bit)  Today, I put a BUNCH of stuff away in my scrapbook room and organized somewhat.  I still have so many scrapbook supplies from when I owned my store.  I need to purge some of it out, but I don’t really even know where to start!  How about you, are you in the cleaning/organizing mode or has that mode already passed you by? :)

Well, here is my Thursday’s Thought for this week.  I thought that this would be a fun one to print and put in a frame to put in my kitchen to go along with my few Valentines decorations.

I love this saying :



This would be a fun little framed gift or it would also make a cute card or tag!

To print, right click  over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder.  Or you can right click over image and go to “copy image”  then open your favorite program like Word or Presentations, right click again and go to “paste”  You can then size it and print it.  This is formatted to 8 x 10 for those that would like to send it to their favorite photo processing center.

I hope that you are having a great day…be sure to  Hug the ones you love today.

Thanks for visiting!  Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest

PS.  I have been having a lot of trouble with my shop.  If any of you would like to order anything, please e-mail me directly at rita@pinkpolkadotcreations.com

Thursday’s Thought-A Goal is…

It is snowing today in Utah!

 I am excited about the snow because I wanted to go cross country skiing a couple of days ago and when I checked on it, the place I wanted to go to was closed because of “Lack of Snow!”   Really…in Utah?  Well, now maybe it will be open again and I can go sometime soon! :)

With it still being the beginning of January and a lot of us making goals and resolutions… 

I decided to use this for my thought today:


How are you all doing on your new goals?  I am still setting weekly goals  and following the guide in this book and I am loving this process.  I am going to frame this and put it in my office for a fun reminder to keep me going on my weekly goal!  :)  Do any of you need a cute reminder too? 

To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder.  Or you can right click over image and go to “copy image” then open your favorite program like Word or Presentations.  Right click again and go to “paste”  You can then print it.  This is formatted to 8 x 10 for any of you that would like to send it out to your favorite photo processing center.

Thanks for visiting today!  Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest



Thursday’s Thought-Life Does Not Have To…

Today’s thought does not really need any introduction nor explanation.  

This little thought says it just how it is!


I am thinking that this would be a great one to print and frame.  It is a good reminder about how good life is!

 Maybe I need to print this for my Thanksgiving table, or you could print and frame this for a hostess gift for the one that hosts your Thanksgiving dinner!  (If that person is you, so be it!)

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thursday!

Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest


Thursday’s Thought…Give Me Patience

I think that today’s thought is timely for all those who have kids that have not yet gone back to school! :)

Does anyone else feel this way, or is it only me?  

I love my grandkids, but I can definitely tell that is is time for school to start again!

Of course, I need patience in a lot of other ways too, so this thought is perfect for all those times.


 I hope that you all have a great Thursday! 

Thanks for visiting today, Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest!

I have some new Christmas items in the shop now, if you get a minute, I would love for you to take a look.  You can never start too early for Christmas, right?

Thurs. Thought-Life is Like Riding a Bicycle

Here is my thought for today!  Hope you enjoy it.


Isn’t this the truth!

This print is now available in my shop as a pdf download.

Life is Like Riding a Bicycle

I hope that you have a great Thursday and that you will Keep Moving!  Love Ya!

Please keep in touch…follow on facebook and pinterest!