Tag Archives: secret service Saturday

Secret Service Saturday

I have not done a Secret Service Saturday post for a while and it is LONG overdue!


Before I explain what this is I want to tell you what happened to us last week…I had two of my grandkids that I tend on a regular basis and my husband and I.  We had gone to lunch at a restaurant and we were headed to a splash park for the kids to play and cool off a bit.  We stopped at a gas station and I ran in to get a couple of drinks.  There was a bit of a line and I was at the end of the line.  When I got up to the counter to pay for my drinks, the lady standing next to me, told the clerk that she wanted to pay for her drink and for mine!!!  I told her that she did not need to do that, but she insisted! I thanked her for her kindness and I went out to the car and told everyone how nice that lady was, immediately everyone started thinking of ways that we could pay it forward too!  So even though it was a small act of kindness…it had a huge impact!!!  I have no idea who that lady was but I hope she knows that she did a great deed that day and that it impacted several lives!

So today, or sometime this weekend, I would like to challenge you to do some form of secret service!  It does not have to be anything big, it could be a helping hand, a smile, pay for a drink or someone’s lunch, a visit with someone shut-in, or just some kind of service where there is a need.  Look around you and you will soon see something that you can do!

I hope that you will take this Secret Service Saturday challenge and make someone else happy.  It will do YOUR heart good!

Thanks for Visiting…Have a great weekend!

Secret Service Saturday

I think that it is time once again to do our Secret Service Saturday!

Is there something that you could do for someone else today?  It could be something as simple as a smile or friendly wave.  It could be visiting someone who might need you today, or it could be something big like helping someone with their yard or their house work!  I don’t know about you, but I always feel better about me when I think of others!  Just think about all the good that we can do today if each of us does just one simple act of service or kindness…it will be amazing!

Have a great day today serving someone else!

Love Ya!

Secret Service Saturday

I know that today is not Saturday, but I decided that I have not done one of these posts for a long, long, time and so it is way overdue.  I figured that because it is so close to the holidays that we might need all weekend to get this accomplished, so therefore, I am posting my Secret Service Saturday on Friday!  :)


 So what is our Secret Service Saturday?  

It is just simply what it says…do some kind of secret service for someone today (or this weekend)  It can be something as simple as let someone in line in front of you.  Let someone in when you are driving and do it with a smile.  Pay for the person behind you at the drive-up window when you are buying lunch.  (This happened to me once and I have never forgotten how wonderful it made me feel!)  Smile at someone today.  Offer to help someone who could use your assistance.  Just be kind with your words and your actions.  

Who knows, maybe you will just feel better about your day and yourself!

Thanks for visiting today. Have a great weekend everyone.  I am thankful for all of you and your kind comments and your support, so thank you and I hope that all of your holidays plans are happy and all of your Christmas wishes are coming true!

Love Ya!

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Secret Service Saturday-White Envelope

Today’s idea is one that I posted last year, but I think that it is worthy of  posting again this year.

We have a tradition in our home that we started a few years ago.  My children are all grown and married, and every year we would go through this little ritual– They would say, “Mom, what do you and dad want for Christmas?”  and I would reply “that we really did not need anything,” and I could never come up with any ideas for them.

We usually all get together for Sunday dinner, and three years ago at one of these family nights, I read the following story to my family.  It reminds me so much of my own husband, because he does not like the commercialism of Christmas just like the man in the story and all of our kids had to agree, and thus was born the tradition of the White Envelope.  It is truly the highlight of Christmas for my husband and I.  We wake up on Christmas morning and we read the letters from each of our children and their family and I must admit, that it usually brings tears to our eyes!  What a beautiful way to start our Christmas Day!

This is our “White Envelope”, I made it out of fabric and it goes on the Christmas tree.  You could use any white envelope, but I decorated it up and we use it year after year.  All of the grand kids know exactly what it is and they get caught up in the spirit also!

Here is the story that I read to my family:

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Secret Service Saturday

Remember when I said in the Nov. visiting teaching post that I felt like I needed to do more service?  Well I decided that from time to time I will do a

Secret Service Saturday!

I found this really fun idea in the Oct/Nov 2012 Taste of Home magazine!  The article is called “Best $10 I Ever Spent”

The idea of this article is a way for us to think of others.

A mother gave each of her adult children and grandchildren $10.  She told them to spend it on someone less fortunate than themselves and then they were to report back in a few weeks of what they did with the $10.

Some of the ideas were:

Bought yarn and knitted hats and scarves for the homeless.

Gave the $10 to a local elementary school to help pay for school lunches for those students who couldn’t afford them.

Bought food for the hungry.

Gave the money to someone in line at the department store who didn’t have enough money.

I totally love this idea and I am planning on doing something like this with my kids and grandkids!  I love that it makes you think of someone else and how you could best use $10.

Is there something that you could do this Saturday that could be a Secret Service?  It does not need to be a big thing, a phone call to someone who is lonely, a smile or a wave of your hand to a stranger, perhaps spending time with someone who is down, etc.  I am sure that you can think of one thing that you could do to brighten someone else’s day and I will just bet that if you do, you will find yourself  just a little bit happier too!

Happy Secret Service Saturday everyone!  Love Ya!