Category Archives: Church

August 2021 Ministering Handouts

It is already time for the August 2021 Ministering Handouts!

Every August, I get excited for all the back to school supplies.  Is there anyone else out there that is the same way?  I love all the new notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, and colored pencils.  I have to see if there are any new items that I might NEED!

With that said, I decided to do the ministering handout around a quote from President Nelson about learning. Continue reading

July 2021 Ministering Handout

July 2021 Ministering Handout

Wow oh wow everybody!  Where did the month of June go??   

The school summer vacation is almost half way over! 

I do feel good in the fact that I have been able to get quite a few things checked off my list of things I needed to do.  I have been organizing and got a major job all finished this week.   And as a result, my kids better thank me for cleaning out 25 years of junk, so they don’t have to do it when I am gone!  :)

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June 2021 Ministering Handout

June 2021 Ministering Handout

Summer is in full swing now, the flowers are blooming and the bees are buzzing.  Everything seems to be busy again and life is quickly getting back to somewhat of a normal thing.  We have had school graduations, music concerts, ballgames and beautiful summer nights!

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May 2021 Ministering Handouts

Hey everyone!  I hope you are ready for the May 2021 Ministering Handouts!

Is  everyone is doing well and having a great sunshiny day!  If not outside, then at least in your heart.

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April 2021 Ministering Handout

April 2021 Ministering Handout

Hey Everyone, hope you are all doing well!  The sun is coming out, the flowers and trees are budding, and it is a beautiful Spring here in Utah! 

For the ministering handout my thoughts kept going to the phrase/song: “Follow the Prophet”.  Especially since general conference is just in a few days!  I always love conference, but they are even more endearing in these times of trouble.  It is so reassuring to hear the prophets voice and to feel his love for each one of us!So, because of this, I wanted the handout to be about following the Prophet!

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March 2021 Ministering Handouts

March 2021 Ministering Handouts

Well, it is time once again to post the ministering handouts.  It seems like spring is maybe trying to come here in Utah.  We will have a few nice warm days and then we will have a winter snowstorm.  But at least there are a few good days in between!

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Dec 2020 Ministering Handout

Merry Christmas everyone!  It is time to share the Dec 2020 Ministering Handout.

Last week as I was participating in the #givethanks project that President Nelson presented, my mind was drawn to my Heavenly Father and the Savior.  I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and the plan that he presented to us .  And with his Son being so willing to participate in that plan.

My message this month is actually my own thoughts that I shared on Instagram for the #givethanks day 7. Continue reading

November 2020 Ministering Handout

Happy Fall Y’all!  Welcome to the November 2020 Ministering Handout. 

I’m glad that you are here!

This is the month that we all turn our hearts to all of the things that we are grateful for!  And with 2020, we might tend to say there is not a  lot of things that we are grateful for!  But I am here to say that my heart is so grateful for so many things that it is hard to count all of my many blessings.   Continue reading

Oct 2020 Ministering Handout

Oct 2020 Ministering Handout

Well, here we are going into another new month!  Gosh…time flies when you are having fun!  I am excited for the cooler fall weather.  Fall is my favorite color  season!  Do you love wearing sweaters and sweatshirts and bundling up?

I am excited for this weekend’s General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!  We need the calm reassurance that all  our leaders seem to bring.  There is so much chaos out in the world, that conference will be  a welcome relief.

With that being said here is the Oct. 2020 Ministering Handout:

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September 2020 Ministering Handout

  Welcome to the September 2020 Ministering Handout!

I am sooo ready for fall to come!  This morning there was a little bit of coolness in the air and it makes me very happy!  I love summer and all, but the heat here in Utah has been record breaking some days.  It is time for a change of season!  I love that we get to  experience all 4 seasons here…and fall is one of my favorites!

For this month I just thought I would keep things short and sweet!  The message is short and the handout is sweet!

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