Category Archives: Valentines

Chocolate Raspberry Cups

Woot, Woot! My rss reader has had a post teaser on it that I could not seem to get removed, but it is now off!  Yeah!  I think that I might have actually jumped up and down and shouted for joy!

So let’s celebrate with a little chocolate!

I saw these in an ad that came in the mail and I decided to give it a try and see if I could make some on my own. I liked the results and my family loved these!

They are beautiful to look at and oh so yummy and wouldn’t these be a fun little Valentine gift for that special little someone? Continue reading


One of the dishes that my daughter made for our Super Bowl  meal was Bruschetta.  It tasted so good in the middle of the winter.  Of course it tastes better with home grown tomatoes in the summer, but hey we’ll take what we can get!  I love the tomatoes, garlic and basil flavors in this scrumptious appetizer!  Doesn’t it look good enough to just eat with a spoon?  (And maybe I did or did not do that!)

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Peanut Butter Brownies!

For our Super Bowl dinner last night I had all the fixings for sandwiches and the girls brought chips and bean dip, a relish plate with a yummy ranch dip from Landee See Landee Do and bruchetta.  I was in charge of dessert, which I have not been in charge of  for a long time, so I asked my husband what he wanted me to make and these brownies were at his request.  They are a family favorite and they make a large batch!

I cut them into footballs for the Super Bowl. Continue reading

Chocolate Oreo Cookie Flowers!

I promised you yesterday that I would show you how to make the Chocolate Oreo Cookie Flowers.  They are so fun and easy and there are just a couple of tips to help you so the cookie part does not break quite so much.

So who is ready to make Chocolate covered Oreo Cookie Flowers?

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February Visiting Teaching-Guardians of the Hearth

The message this month is another great one.  I feel like I say that every month but this one is so important to us today.  The family is on attack so much by the world that it is sometimes hard to remember how important our role as mothers are.  I love the quote by President Hinckley where it says: ” No other work reaches so close to divinity as does the nurturing of the sons and daughters of God.”  This is so true yet we forget it so often!  We sometimes say that we are just a mom, and yet as a woman that is one of the most divine callings that we can have!  I love how Sister Barbara Thompson also states that you do not have to be a mom to nurture others, you have a responsibility to nurture all those in your family and even if you were the only living member of your family, you are still a member of God’s family.

For the handout this month I concentrated on the quote from Pres. Hinckley:Here is an idea that I did to go with this tag:Come back tomorrow and I will show you how to make Chocolate Dipped Oreo Flowers!

Heavenly Filled Strawberries!

We celebrated a couple of birthdays last night and they were both of the male species so we had grilled hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans and chips in their honor and then I made these wonderful Heavenly Filled Strawberries for those of us of the female species! Although the male species ate just as many if not more than the female.  Not that I was counting! :)

I saw fresh strawberries at the store yesterday and they just looked so good  to my poor fresh fruit deprived soul that I bought them and I knew immediately what I wanted to do with them!  I love this recipe because their is no guilt involved in eating them!  If you are a Weight Watchers person then you will love these because they are zero points!  It doesn’t get any better than this folks!

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Valentine Chinese Boxes

I got some Chinese take out boxes at a Gygi’s a while back and they are perfect for putting a treat or small gift in.  You can find them at most party supply stores, restaurant supply, craft store or even your favorite Chinese Restaurant! I love that they are a perfect size for cookies, cupcakes, jewelry, treats like candy, popcorn, or nuts!  So I decided that I needed to make a heart to put on the front of them to give away for Valentines Day!  Here is my version of the love birds!

I made three different styles and they look cute with ribbon tied on the handle or wrapped around the box with bakers twine.  You can decorate as lavishly as you would like or keep it as simple as bakers twine!  I used pop dots on the back of the heart to give it a little bit of dimension, but you could also just glue it directly to the box.

So does anyone want to make some Valentine Chinese Take Out Boxes?

To print, just right click and go to copy, open your favorite program like Word or Presentations, right click again and go to paste.  Then simply print.I hope that you are all having a great Monday.

Thank you for stopping by today!

I Love You Because…

I saw this idea the other day when  I was out shopping for things for our princess party and I fell in love with it.  So I decided to make one for me, and one to share with you!

 I tend two of my grandchildren a couple of times a week and the 6 year old is just starting to read and she laughed and laughed when she figured out what I had written.  For some reason it really tickled her funny bone.  I thought this might be fun to write something different every day.

 You will need a frame with a glass front and a dry erase marker.

I did mine in an 8 x 10 frame, but you can use whatever size you wish.  You do not want to go too small because then there is not a whole lot of room to write the “because”s.    You will need to print it off;

 To print, just right click and go to copy.  Open your favorite program like Word or a Presentations program, right click again and go to paste.
Insert print into your frame, tie a cute ribbon around the frame and tie the marker onto the frame so that anyone can write their special message.

Place it where everyone will see it…like in the middle of all these goodies on the kitchen counter!  :)

Have fun with this and let your imagination and your gratitude go wild!

Magical cookie Wands!

I made these for our princess party and they look so stinking cute in this little pink bucket!  I have been making these for many years.  They are great as a cookie bouquet for someone special or for a fun centerpiece!Do you want to know why they are magical?

Because there is no baking involved!

All you need is the striped shortbread cookies with a hole in the middle, some gumdrop or Ju Ju hearts and wooden skewers!  Push one of the hearts down onto the skewer, then the cookie, followed by another heart. So stinking easy and so cute.Then tie a bunch of ribbons below the gumdrop and you have a Magical Cookie Wand.  If you want to make this into a cookie flower bouquet just add green ribbons or tape silk or paper leaves to the “stem”.  Add a note that says, “Love you Bunches”Put into a container with some floral foam and grasses or moss etc.

It doesn’t get much easier than this to make a “Magical Moment” for someone special in your life!

Winter Blossoms

We have had a very mild winter here in Utah with hardly any snow.  We have had unseasonably warm weather and it seems like it should be spring, not the dead of winter!  But all good things must come to an end and the forecast for the next week is snow and rain almost every day, with winter storm warnings.  Ugh!  I got way too spoiled with the good weather and do not look forward to the cold so I decided to bring some of that spring time feeling into my kitchen.

This arrangement sits right behind my kitchen sink and I love how much it brightens up that corner!  Every time I walk into my kitchen this is the focal point.

My next door neighbor and great friend, Susan, works at a greenhouse and she lets me know what is blooming and when to plant different plants and how to fertilize etc, etc, etc. I really do not have the best green thumb but with her help I am learning a lot about different plants and how to take care of a lot of different flowers.

She told me about this pink plant and that it was in bloom right now, so I went down to see her at work and I got this “cyclamen” flower.  Isn’t it beautiful?  The blooms do not last for very long so I will have to enjoy it while they do.  There are several new buds coming so I should be able to enjoy it for a little while.

I also saw this fun heart topiary and thought how cute they would look together for Valentines Day! 

I tied a couple of ribbons into bows and made a vinyl with “Hugs & Kisses” to put on a tile to finish off this little winter arrangement.

I love the sunlight of the morning coming through my south window in this picture, it really does make me happy!  Now I just need to look at this picture during the coming week when all the snow storms are here (Ugh) and remember that spring can be here in my kitchen!

What do  you do to chase away the winter blues?