I put out some of my Spring/Easter decorations the other day. I had a really good helper in my granddaughter that I was tending. We decided one afternoon when she was here that it would be a good idea to start decorating. Her little brother, however, was not the biggest helper! He was not feeling good and I thought that he would maybe take a little nap. NOT! I guess that is what I get for trying to out guess him. But we did get the front entrance done and the stairway. This is what it looks like:
I couple of these stitched pillows and the framed stitchery were given to me as gifts! I know that they are not the latest in home decor but I absolutely love them. To think that someone would take the time to make them just warms my heart!I used to own a retail scrapbook store several years ago and I had a wooden picket fence that went along the whole length of the store front window. We would decorate it for all the different seasons. When I closed the store, I kept most of the decorations and I put them up on my front stair railing! This one is one of my favorites because of the cute Easter egg lights, the hanging bunnies and the flowering water cans! I always forget how much I love this, I think it is because when I put it up it still looks like winter outside and this brings a little bit of color into my home! It gets my up in hopes that spring is coming and there will be some flowers soon popping out of the ground!
How cute is that?
Are you ready for spring? I am so ready. I actually went out and worked in my garden and got it all cleaned up, tilled and fertilized and planted lettuce and onions! I am so ready to be outside again in the warm sunshine!

I love your Easter decor! I wish I had a stair way to decorate – so cute!