I don’t know if anyone out there was following my blog way back last Christmas, but I made a comment that I wanted to make Nativity costumes for my all of my grand kids. I looked online and I checked costume stores and there were some cute, expensive ones, but they all came in separate sizes and I wanted something that would be one size fits all from age 2 to 10! I know that I was kind of nuts to think that I would find something, but guess what I did!
Could I just take a little Grandma moment here…
are those not the cutest little angel faces that you ever did see?!
To make these super easy costumes you will need 4 different pieces. The main sheath, a belt, a head tie and a head scarf.
For the main sheath, I cut a two and a half yards long piece in half lengthwise. So it was about 22″ x 90″. (two and a half yards will make 2 sheaths) I hemmed all of the edges because I am a little OCD that way, but you could totally do these as a “no sew” project if you want to. Mary and Joseph were pretty primitive, so raw edges would be just fine!
To cut the neck out, fold your fabric in half and cut about 9 inches across and about 1 inch deep, you just want it big enough to fit over the head. I just left the edges raw, for that primitive look! :)
I was very fortunate to find all of this fringe this summer at a garage sale for only $5 for a whole big bag of it! Score!
I cut the fringe about one and a half yards long (54 inches) to make the belts. You just need it to be long enough to tie around the waist. If you cannot find any fringe you could also just use strips of fabric for the belts.
For the head gear I just tore fabric into square sizes and most of them are about 22″ square. Some of them were a little bit longer than just the square, if they were the end of the cut. I just tried to get the most use out of my fabric. :)
The strips for the head ties are 5″ by width of the fabric and they are just torn so you have the raw edges.
To put the costume together, just put the sheath over the head. Tie the belt around the waist and pull it up if it is too long. That way it will fit size 2 to 10! Place one of the scarves on the head and tie with one of the head ties. I made 9 different costumes, so that all of the kids will have one. We may have 2-3 Mary’s at the same time, but that is OK! I cut a couple of dead branches off a tree for the shepherds staff and I found 3 gifts for the wise men. I still need to make a little tinsel halo for the angel and then I will be done. All simple props but so cute!
To finish off this little scene, I got this manger at the wood connection complete with the star. So now we have all the costumes that we need for our nativity story!
So does anyone else out there want to make some
Super Easy Darling Nativity Costumes?
Have a great day everyone! Love Ya!

CUUUUUUTE!!! Great Job! Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea! I think I have just what I need! Thanks for sharing.
I am so glad that you could use this idea. Good luck!
Those are so cute! (And cute kids in the costumes!) I think I’ll have to pin this for my nieces and nephews. :)
Thank you!
That is adorable and such a great way to teach kids. Thank you so much for participating at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase!
Happy Holidays,
I was browsing blogs the other day and saw your post….then I couldn’t remember where I had seen it……did some browsing again this afternoon and
FOUND YOU! I have 12 precious grandkids, ages 2 months to 9. They are going to love dressing up and performing for the family the Luke 2 passage. Thanks for sharing your EASY solution to costumes…..we are anxious to support our children by teaching our grandkids the true meaning of Christmas. I can’t wait to see the shepherds, wisemen, Mary and Joseph….we may even throw in a lamb and donkey for a couple of animal lovers in the mix. Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
Sounds so fun and I love that you are making some wonderful memories! Thanks for taking the time to comment, I really do love to hear from my readers!
thanks so much for the easy idea…we’ll be using these for christmas presentation, any ideas for lamb, donkey, oxen head pieces?
The only idea that I have is to use a knit hat with cotton balls for the lamb and pin on a tail. Make ears and tails for the donkey and oxen also.
So sweet, Rita. My youngest has played Joseph three years in a row in two separate pageants! These will be perfect for next year’s play for us!
While the costumes are more than precious, the kids win hands down. LOL
Bev, I think that I have to agree with you on that one! Thanks for your kind comment!
We used children’s sized hooded sweat suits, turned inside out for sheep, black and white, cows, and donkeys. Added ears made from foam sheets and various things for the tails. The sheep had curly tails made from floor mops (clean of course!)
Joan, Thank you for the great ideas! I need the animal costumes and those sound darling as well as being easy to make!
Love these – so very cute- you have beautiful grandchildren!! Thank you for sharing – Merry Christmas!!
Ruth, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate you sweet words and support. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas also and that love will fill your home!
I have a ton of really cool fabric that I am going to use to make costumes for my kids, nieces and nephews for A family Christmas Eve nativity this year. Thank you for sharing these ideas!
Melissa, good luck with your costumes! One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to let the kids play out the Nativity on Christmas Eve. Hope you enjoy this tradition too!