Jan 2019 Ministering Handout.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
This is my ministering handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I decided that perhaps we all needed a little ray of sunshine! So, therefore, I went with a bright yellow, cheery, theme!
The message for this month is really dear to my heart! It comes from my DIL who is going through some pretty tough things right now. She wrote this on an Instagram account, and I asked her if I could share it with you. Isn’t this the truth?!
For those of you that would like to print the jpeg format, simply right click over the image. Go to “save image as”, then save in a folder.
Here is the blank card for those of you that would like to translate. Or for those of you that need a fun cheery card, handout, invite or note card!
As always…my printables are for personal use only…they are NOT for resale.I included a fun tag, for you to use!
And of course…some blank ones!
All of these cards are formatted to a 4 x 6 size, so you can print your own or send them out to your favorite photo processing center.
For those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:
1.Jan 2019 Ministering handout
2.Jan 2019 Ministering handout-blank
4.Jan 2019 Ministering tag-blank
I just happened to have this fun yellow basket. So I filled it with fun bright yellow, cheery things! You could just do one item, or you could do a small gift bag. Anything yellow will work! Let your imagination go with this one!
So that is my Jan 2019 Ministering Handout. As always, please remember that it your sister(s) that is important…not the handout!
I haven’t really said a whole lot about what is going on in our family, except that we have several health issues going on.
My son and DIL have a 6 month old baby that was diagnosed with a very rare metabolic disease at 1 month old.
At 6 months old he has had to undergo chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant in the hopes he will live a much longer life. They all have had such a good attitude and their faith is strong. My DIL is such an example to me and I draw from her strength all the time! She truly is amazing!He is such a cute little boy and the nurses all love him so much!
Wagon time is the best!
Even through all of this…he has a smile for his mom and dad!!
We have a couple of other big health issues in our family and we are all trying to have faith and hope.
This little family are a great source of faith for us and we are so grateful for all of the blessings that our Heavenly Father has given to our family. We will continue to have faith and courage and go forward each day, looking for the rainbows!
I know that a lot of you have some big issues that you are dealing with too. I hope that you will be able to have the comfort of the that our Heavenly Father gives. And that you too can look for the rainbows!
Thanks for Visiting…Happy Ministering!

Love the message! Wishing you and your sweet family a Happy New Year!
Toni, Thank you so much! Hope you also have a wonderful New Year!
As always, thank you for sharing your wonderful ministering ideas. God bless your sweet little grandson & family.
Amy, Thank you so much for your blessings. We appreciate your kind words and thoughts!
Your messages are always so uplifting and what a brilliant idea for the beginning of the New Year. The messages is beautiful and with so many facing a challenging New Year, it will give them even more hope.
You are amazing. I hope you the New Year will bring you and your family lots of miracles.
Happy New Year
Janet, Thank you so much for your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words. There are many people facing some pretty tough things out there. We are not alone, and we are so grateful for the many miracles and tender mercies that have already come our way. Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Thank you so much for trusting us to share your challenge. We will join you in prayers!
Linda, Thank you so much for your kind comment. We appreciate your prayers!
Love this for January and thanks for so many wonderful messages. My love and prayers to all in your family. May God continue to bless you!
Mary, Thank you for your kind comment. We appreciate your love and prayers and your sweet support.
I love your beautiful handouts. I write to 14 sisters who do not want contact but they let me send your beautiful artwork and messages. You are a blessing. !!!!
Susan, Wow that is a lot of letters!! Thank you for your kind service, Happy Ministering!
Thank you once again for always sharing your talents for the monthly messages. Such a wonderful idea for the new year. Sending my heartfelt thoughts to you as your family faces these health trials.
Saundra, Thank your so much for your kind comment and your heartfelt thoughts. I appreciate both! Happy ministering!
Even though you have a lot on your plate at the moment, you still take time out to do this and help to inspire us. God bless you all and I hope 2019 will be a good year for you and your family.
Margaret, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your words and your thoughts. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!
Rita, continued prayers for you and your lovely family. God’s blessings on your sweet grandson, from Christmas one Granny to another.

Cindy, Thank you for your prayers and your thoughts. They are very much appreciated! Happy Ministering!
It was a treat to have your post this morning! Every morning when I would check to see if you had posted anything I worried that you were going through difficulties in your family. The “blogging family” gets connected without even really knowing anything really personal about the individual. It’s a good thing, to feel compassion for someone, so thank you for taking the time to let us know how you are. I am so sorry for the trial your family is going through right now. What a darling little boy and I can only imagine your concern for your precious grandson.
Kristine, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your words and your concern. They mean the world to me. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering.
What an adorable baby boy!! Prayers for that sweet guy!! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with all of us!! God Bless & Happy New Year!
Debbie, Thank you for your prayers and your thoughts. I appreciate your taking the time to write your kind comment. Happy New Year and Happy Ministering!
Rita – I look forward to your posts. Thank you for sharing your talents and for taking us into your confidence with the issues that you are facing. I have been praying for you since you shared that your family was experiencing difficult health issues. Continued prayers. Wishing you a happier and healthier New Year!
Allie, Thank you so much for your kind comment. I appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Hope you have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year! Happy Ministering!
Happy New Year to you and your family. Thank you for these all your handouts which make anyone’s day at any given time.
Racheal, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. Hope you have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year!
We have been doctoring my husband since last January for throat cancer. All I have to say is God is good and the Lord has broad shoulders. It can be faced with peace and comfort.
Thank You for your cute and inspiring ideas! A positive attitude makes all the difference in the world. Ten weeks ago my husband came down with GBS and faith and a positive attitude has helped us endure this trial. Many prayers for your famil.
Tami, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. Yes, a good attitude makes the world of difference! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers…they are very much appreciated. Happy Ministering!
I would love to share this thought on my FB page, but not sure if you like people to do that. I use your handouts every month to send to the sisters I minister. I gave them each a magnetic frame for their frig that holds the 4×6 perfectly. They all love them!
Maridon, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I would love for you to share it, but please link it back to me. Thanks! Happy Ministering!
What a sweet “Ray of Sunshine” your grandson is. I pray that this challenge is conquered and will soon be a memory for this sweet boy and his parents.
Heavenly Father has great faith in His children. Lately I feel He’s gotten me mixed up with someone much stronger than myself. However, I know He watches over us in all things at all times. And we must remember that this life is but a blip in the enternity of time.
Sending prayers and love, Your sister in The Gospel
Wende, I know exactly how you feel about being mixed up for someone stronger! But I am trying and that is all we can do. I need to have more faith and hope, and a little more energy would be nice! :) Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your words and your support. Happy ministering!
Sending you and your sweet family prayers and positive vibes of comfort and calm during these life challenges. Keep the faith, pray always, and allow others to lift you up with strength and hugs when needed.
Thanks for all that you do so freely for so many – take care of yourself so you can enjoy that sweet grandbaby!
Sending “viral” hugs your way!!
Nancie, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your prayers and sweet hugs! We are trying to keep our faith and hope strong and we have been blessed in many ways. And we are grateful. It is a slow process, but at least we can see progress! Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!
My sisters loved the message I gave them yesterday. Like a lot of us they are having their share of trials. Thanks for sharing your message so I could give them a glimpse of sunshine to come!! Hope things improve for you and your family soon.
So I came looking for a cute idea to take to the sisters I minister to and read your additional message about your family and you have ministered to my heart personally!! My son is also having some major health issues and I have felt that no one can really relate to me. And then I read your message and I know it wasn’t b accident!!! Thank you!!! Not only for cute ideas and sharing your talents, but by sharing your testimony and spirit!! I really needed your thought tonight!!
Thank you for being an answer to my prayers!
Cherie, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. It brought tears to my eyes as I think of how much my Heavenly Father has helped me. Sometimes I feel all alone as I am sure you do too, but we just have to remember that our Heavenly Father loves us and he is there helping us. It is important to remember all the sweet tender mercies, but I know that it can also be so very difficult in times of trial and pain. May the Lord bless you and your son is my prayer to you. May you be able to see the rainbows after it has rained. Thanks again for your sweet comment. Hope you have a good day.
I always love your ministering messages. They are always so uplifting and just perfect for each month. Thank you for your messages and for the handouts. May peace and love abound with you and your family as you face these difficulties in your life. You will be in my prayers. God Bless!
Gayla, Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. I appreciate both! I feel like everyone is progressing and that there is a light out there at the end of the tunnel! :) Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Mininstering!