I have been working out lately. I was always tired and non motivated and I just decided that it was time to get going! I have always walked and swam but not really pushing myself. So I talked to a friend of mine, who is a trainer, and she agreed to work with me! She is killing me, but it is a good feeling! :)
She has me doing weights, biking, swimming, walking, and cross training. She got me started for a couple of weeks and started me going on the weights and biking, then she took off for two weeks to go be with her daughter in Hawaii, who just had a baby! Tough place to go to help out your daughter, right? But I am trying really hard to keep motivated and to build up my endurance while she is gone! One of the things that she gave me was this challenge to do a “Real People Ironman” I asked her if I could copy it and share it with you on my blog. She said that I needed to make it cute, so here is my version of a little bit cute:
I absolutely love the concept behind this little challenge! Do as much as you can each day, mark it off and when you have completed the whole “Ironman” workout you need to reward yourself with something! And not a hot fudge sundae! :(
Think of something that you are willing to work for and then with that goal in mind, go for it!
You may need to adjust the “circles” on the swimming category. My pool is not a regulation length, so I have to do more laps, but I have it figured out so that I know how many laps to do to make the 2.4 miles! I have a great start on my road to doing an ironman and it feels great! I still get stiff and sore some days, but it is a good feeling to know that I can push myself and work a little bit harder each day!
My trainer/friend, also told me about this book:
This is a great motivational book for women over 40! I believe in a lot of the concepts. I don’t believe in some of the evolution theories, but I agree with the rest of the ideas! I have not read the whole book yet, but I am loving it and it is a great read if you need some motivation to get started! I bought my book on my Kindle, but I am wishing that I had purchased the paperback version because it is a great reference book and I would totally mark it all up. I may need to go out the purchase the paperback version now, so that I can mark it all up and have a great book to refer back to when I need to.
Does anyone else want to join me in doing a Real People Ironman?
I would love to hear about it if you choose to do this!
Have a happy healthy day! Love Ya!
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Is anyone going to the Pinners Conference this weekend? I am and I can hardly wait! I am going with my best friend from high school and it is going to be so much fun! Maybe I’ll see you there!

I loved your Real People Ironman post. I have been trying to find a good way to get started exercising. This sounds like a great challenge. I love your blog!
Thank you so much for you comment. I am so glad that you want to try out the Real People Ironman! I hope that you will love it as much as I do! Good luck. I would love to hear what you think about it in a few weeks! :)