It is snowing today in Utah!
I am excited about the snow because I wanted to go cross country skiing a couple of days ago and when I checked on it, the place I wanted to go to was closed because of “Lack of Snow!” Really…in Utah? Well, now maybe it will be open again and I can go sometime soon! :)
With it still being the beginning of January and a lot of us making goals and resolutions…
I decided to use this for my thought today:
How are you all doing on your new goals? I am still setting weekly goals and following the guide in this book and I am loving this process. I am going to frame this and put it in my office for a fun reminder to keep me going on my weekly goal! :) Do any of you need a cute reminder too?
To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder. Or you can right click over image and go to “copy image” then open your favorite program like Word or Presentations. Right click again and go to “paste” You can then print it. This is formatted to 8 x 10 for any of you that would like to send it out to your favorite photo processing center.
Thanks for visiting today! Love Ya!
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