This month the title of the visiting teaching lesson is
I took President Monson’s quote to focus on. I decided to just go with a spring theme for this month, since St. Patrick’s Day and Easter are both in March, so I took a more generic route. I love the colors in this handout, they just make me happy. I am so ready for Spring to come, but it is still a ways off here in Utah. I still have snow out in my yard! So I will have to be content to just bring the bright colors into my home for a little while longer.
To print, just right click over the image and go to “save image as”, then save in one of your folders. You can print from there or send out to your favorite photo processor. You can also right click over image and go to “copy image” then open your favorite program like word or presentations and right click again and go to “paste”. You can then print.
These are formatted to a 4 x 6 size.
Here is the blank one for those of you that want to translate the information.
This would also make a really fun card, invite, or tag!
I have a really fun idea to go with this that I am giving to the sisters that I visit, but I did not get it done in time to take good pictures. So I will take the pictures tomorrow in the daylight and I will post it next week! Check back then to see what I have been up to!
How is everyone doing with the challenge to get 100% visits this year? Let’s keep going!
Happy Visiting this Month! Love Ya!

Thanks again so much for this adorable visiting teaching message….I can hardly wait to go out and visit my sisters and share your cute message….
Roswitha, you are so kind all of the time! Thank you so much for all of your support! Love Ya!
Just place my order for my visiting teaching cards to be printed at Walmart! I’m so glad I “found” you! Thank you for such darling ideas and printables! Hugs! :)
Yeah! Thank you for your comment and for your support! Happy Visiting!
I am definitely going to use this! Thank you so very much!
Thank you for taking the time to make this kind comment, I love hearing from you.
I am new to this site and…WOW. I am so impressed! What a bevy of crafts, recipes and printables! Your visiting teaching printables are going to become a new staple of my monthly visits. You are truly multi-talented, and I thank you for sharing your talents with us all!
Wow! Thanks for that kind comment, I appreciate your praise and hope that you will share my site with your friends and family.
I love these cute messages you make! Thank you so much for helping me deliver the visiting message to my sisters. I’ve liked you on Facebook and shared many things with my friends as well. Thanks again!
Anna, thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for sharing my blog with your friends! I really appreciate your support. Have a great day!
Thank you so much for making this beautiful handout. You just saved me a ton of time. =)
Making us wait for your fun idea is worse than my favorite tv show cutting to commercial on a cliffhanger!!! ha ha. I can’t wait. I get such compliments on your ideas. The sisters say they feel REALLY thought of and loved. Thank you! For helping me do my job so well <3 You are a blessing.
You are so funny! I will be posting that idea on Tuesday Morning, so stay tuned! :)
You are so very talented! Thank you for sharing!
Is it just me, or does anyone else think our messages the last few months, are more for a Visiting Teaching Conference than a less active member?
So cute! My visiting teachees are going to love me.
Thanks so much for linking up over at Finding the Pretty & Delicious Linky Party. Hope you’ll come back again on Saturday! Leigh Anne
Love, love your posts!!! I have een using them for about a year and they are so fun and so effective. I can’t thank you enough for your creativity and insight. I am a diligent visiting teacher and love my calling!!! Thanks again… Waiting for the rest of your idea for this month….
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. Keep up the good work on your visiting teaching! The rest of the idea for this month is the “Fun Easter Bouquet” Thanks again for your comment and your support. Have a great day!
Way cute ideas, thank you for sharing you’re amazing Talent with the rest of us not so Talented.
I have been using your great v tchng handouts, thankyou! I was wondering if you could please make a handout for Relief Society lesson 6 and 7 for year 2013, and for the come follow me youth sunday school lessons each week ??????2013.????Your handouts are super!!!thanks
Delores, I am sorry, but I get so many requests that I cannot possibly do them all.
You are amazing !!! Thank you so much. These cards are so perfect to send to less actives or those on a letter route. You are certainly on the Lords Errand and getting His help with this. Thank you ever so much
I would love to know where you got the bird elements from. I want to use them for a party. Did you buy them somewhere?
The bird designs are from It is the Tweet, Tweet Kit
thank you!