This has been one crazy week in my neck of the woods.
I will have had 3 parties this week. Nothing like starting December out with a bang! I did my Sinterklaas party on Sunday, last night I helped with a progressive dinner for our Relief Society activity ( which was super fun to see all the cute decorated homes and eat and eat and eat!) then this weekend we will have one of our extended family Christmas party.
So party on…
With that said today’s thought is one that I posted last year, but felt it worthy of being posted again and because I just did not have time to create a new one:)
Here is the printable version for you. To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in one of your pictures file. This is a fun little gift, if you need a quick easy one!
This is a perfect thought to make us think about what we are doing everyday. Do we let others into our lives and do we reach out to those who might need our help today?
I love this time of year because we all tend to think of others more, myself included, and it is a great and wonderful feeling!
Have a Happy Day Today! Love Ya!