I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend. My husband and I went to our cabin for Fri and Sat. Then on Sunday, my daughter-in-law asked if we could tend the kids while they went to a funeral. So we were very spontaneous and I ended up having a sleepover with some of the grandkids. We made a fire in the back yard and made smores, played hide and seek, and red light…green light. Then we made grandma’s popcorn (as one of my grandson’s calls it,) because I put real butter on it! We ended the night by watching “Wreck it Ralph”. The kids were all so good and we really had a fun time. The next morning some of the boys went with their dad and Grandpa up to scout out a hunting property with their Ranger and had a great time. The girls went to Gardner Village shopping, then to some fabric stores to look for baby fabric for this new little one that is coming soon. We had a picnic at a fun park and then to end the afternoon the kids went swimming. It was a fun spontaneous day. Sometimes those are even better than the ones that you plan out so well, don’t you think?
I think that summer has now officially started! :)