This week I took a couple of the grandkids out to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival 2017. It was a beautiful day and we just had a wonderful time enjoying the spring weather and all of the gorgeous blooms! Continue reading

This week I took a couple of the grandkids out to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival 2017. It was a beautiful day and we just had a wonderful time enjoying the spring weather and all of the gorgeous blooms! Continue reading
I took a couple of my grandkids to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens and I was thinking that the kids might be a little bit bored walking through the gardens…but they loved it! So much so, that we had to go back again a few days later! My secret…I let my 9 year old granddaughter take my camera and she had a great time. The battery on my camera died about half way through the gardens, so that is why we had to go back a few days later to finish our photo shoot! :) Continue reading
I thought that it would be fun to use one of my pictures from The Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island, to make my thought for today! There were several quotes that I have, but I loved this one about walking in nature!I know that I am weird in my love for flowers…so you may have to deal with a few more flower pictures in future posts! :) Is there a flowers-anonymous club that I should join???
Hope you have a great Thursday!
My husband and I just got back from a trip last week to the Pacific Northwest. We drove a total of 2,915 miles! It was insane! Our plans were to drive to Port Angeles in Washington and then take the ferry over to Vancouver Island. We were then going to drive the 101 coastal highway down to San Francisco and cut across California and come home to Utah. After driving the 101 for a couple of days, we totally changed our plans because that road is so curvy and slow and we could not even see the ocean much of the time because of all of the trees, so we changed plans and cut back to the interstate to come home! But, the drive up to Port Angeles was beautiful and so was Vancouver Island, so it was worth all the driving!
As I mentioned yesterday, I got a new camera before we left on our trip and I took over 500 pictures and videos! It was so fun to learn to use my new camera with all of the beautiful places we visited. I apologize in advance for all of the pictures, but I did put a lot of them into collages, so you can see several pictures all at once! Continue reading
Since I have been spending a bit of time out in my yard, I decided that I would do a thought about gardens! :) I have had this thought up in my office for awhile, but decided that it needed to be prettied up a bit. So here is my new version:
This quote is by Marcus Tullius Cicero.
I actually printed this out and put in a frame so I can now replace my old version with this new fun bright version!
I love planting flowers and I actually went with my dad yesterday to a nursery and we both got a couple of flats of flowers! His are to plant along his driveway, mine are to plant some more pots! I love planting pots…because you don’t have to weed them! :) I will take pictures when I get all of my pots planted.
The part about this saying that I have not done well with… is the library part. I have plenty of books to read, I just cannot seem to get to them! I love to read, but it is a luxury that I just cannot seem to find the time to do anymore. If I read for 20-30 minutes every morning, that is about all I get in! SOMEDAY…I will read more again!
Hope you all have a great Thursday!
I know that I am a day late and dollar short on this post, but I wanted to show a few fun shots of when I was at the SNAP Conference a couple of weeks ago. I learned a lot of what to do and what I do NOT want to do, so that was good. It was great that it was at Thanksgiving Point and so close that I did not have to travel much.
This was the table setting at the dinner and welcome the first night. How festive is that?