I am having a few technical difficulties with my blog, but I have someone working on them along with our new look, so please be patient with me! :)
Today I thought that I would do a Mother’s Day thought, since it is coming up here shortly. My mother has been gone for 7 years now, but I am so grateful for all the many things that she taught me and the wonderful family life that I had growing up! I have wonderful memories of my mom helping me and teaching me so many of her different talents…sewing, cooking, quilting, and helping others. I was a very lucky girl to have a mom like her! So this thought is in her honor!
To print this, right click over the image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder, or you can right click over the image and go to “copy image” , open your favorite program like Word or Presentations and right click again and go to “paste”. This has been formatted to an 8 x 10 size which would be perfect for framing and giving to your favorite Mom! :)
Have a great Thursday!
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