My thought for today to purely humorous:
Have a happy Thursday and know that there is
a light at the end of the tunnel! Love Ya!

Today, my heart is still saddened by what happened this past weekend in Newtown, CT. I am so sorry to all of those families who’s hearts were broken. There are no words to express how I feel and nothing I can say will express my complete sorrow, but I want to honor all those who were taken. All of the families are all in my prayers and thoughts.
I know that all of us hugged all of our kids and grandkids just a little bit tighter and expressed our love just a little bit more and acknowledged our blessings and showed gratitude for all that is good in our own lives and so for that alone I am grateful.
It is amazing to me that even through the most horrific events and tragedy that
We are hearing stories of all the wonderful educators and leaders and how much they loved each and every one of their students and how they gave their lives in helping these beautiful little ones!
How a community is rallying around each other and supporting and loving each other.
How we are all turning our hearts and minds to our own God and expressing our love for our families and all of our blessings.
How this is affecting our whole country and how we are all responding to this tragedy.
I am so touched that through all the sorrow, and grief that eventually hope and faith take over and guide us through the most horrific things and gives us a renewed heart to go forward.