I have not done a thought in a long while, so when I saw this one the other day, I thought it would be a great motivational thought for not only, those students going back to school, but for each one of us!
You’ll Never…ThoughtNo one likes to makes mistakes or encounter failure, but if we do…we need to remember that all of our experiences in this life are just to help us grow and learn.
Sometimes it can be a scary world out there and we are too hard on ourselves. But if we can stand back and take a look at what we learned from a certain experience and be better for it, then we can turn a bad experience into a wonderful growing experience. We need to learn these lessons for ourselves, but we also need to teach our children how to handle life’s disappointments!
This would be a great one to frame for your home, office, kids, or for yourself! It is formatted to an 8 x 10 size for those that would like to print it. Just click on the link below for your free printable download!
I hope you’ll take a moment to think about this, You’ll Never…Thought. There are a lot of you’ll never’s out there and we need to be able to turn them into a positive not only for ourselves but for our families!
Hope you have a great weekend. Think positive and soon the “you’ll never” will turn into the “You Will!”
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