September 11
Even though I was born in Canada, I have been a US citizen for many years. I am so proud of our country and all that it stands for. Today is a sad day of remembrance for all of those who lost their lives, for those children that lost a parent, for those parents that lost a child or children. It still makes me sad to think of the broken hearts that happened on this day. But then I will be forever grateful for the spirit of the American people and the determination to go forward and make this country an even better place. There was such a spirit of unity and pride and that will never be taken from us! Thanks to all of those military personnel that fought in our behalf, some paid the ultimate price for our freedom and for that I will be forever grateful.
This song by Lee Greenwood says it all!
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Have a great day today. Hug those that you love and tell them how much the mean to you!
Love Ya!
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