Today I decided to do a thought, since I have not done one in awhile! I chose this Don’t Look Back Quote, because so many times we find ourselves look back when we really should be looking ahead!It is easy to get caught up in the daily routine of life and forget what our focus and goals are. We tend to dwell on the negative when we really should put our energy into the future.
Sometimes as women, wives, mothers and grandmothers we tend to dwell on the past, the “what could have been” or the “I should have done this differently”, so for all of you out there that think that way sometimes (me included)… “don’t look back because you’re not going that way”. Let’s make today the best day ever! Throw those regrets out the window and let the new day in! Let the power of positive be your companion today and put on your shades because your future is bright!
This is a good quote to put on our bathroom mirrors, so that every morning when we are getting ready for the day, we will be reminded to look forward, have a positive attitude and tackle our day with faith and hope!
Thanks for Visiting today…let’s make it a great one!