Today’s thought makes me giggle just a little bit. Isn’t this the truth?
The best things in life really are free, but…
Hope this puts a smile on your face, too!
Have a Happy Thursday! Love Ya!
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Today’s thought makes me giggle just a little bit. Isn’t this the truth?
The best things in life really are free, but…
Hope this puts a smile on your face, too!
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Sometimes I think that we all need a little reminder to just have a good attitude about life.
I know that I tend to let little things drag me down and bother me when it is pretty silly if I really think about it. If I will just stop and look around, it doesn’t take very long at all before I start to count all of my blessings and realize how fortunate I really am!
I am sure that many of you are the same way, so let’s try together to:
Have a happy Thursday!
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This thought today touches close to my heart. Isn’t it true…that everyone that comes into our life affects us somehow.
There are so many people around me that have taught me and I have learned some wonderful lessons from them. I am so grateful for that and for the experiences that I have everyday. I am truly a blessed person with so many great friends and close family members! :)
Take the time today to tell those around you how much you appreciate and love them! And remember that everyone touches us in some way and that we, also, touch others in that way too! Your influence can be very powerful.
If you have not had a chance to check out the fun School Lunch Notes in my shop, I would love for you to take a look at them and let your little students know how much you love them and are thinking about them while they are at school.
I think that today’s thought is timely for all those who have kids that have not yet gone back to school! :)
Does anyone else feel this way, or is it only me?
I love my grandkids, but I can definitely tell that is is time for school to start again!
Of course, I need patience in a lot of other ways too, so this thought is perfect for all those times.
I hope that you all have a great Thursday!
I have some new Christmas items in the shop now, if you get a minute, I would love for you to take a look. You can never start too early for Christmas, right?
Here is my visiting teaching handout for this month.
This is a message that the sisters of the church take out to each other when they go to visit them each month.
The message for this month is about welfare. The thought that I used is the one by President Erying, I love the overall message of this quote. There has always been a way provided for us to help others. We need to just keep our eyes and our hearts open to those around us that we could serve!
Here is my thought for today!
Isn’t this the truth..success is something that you have to work at, it does not come easily!
This is formatted to 8 x 10, perfect for framing.
Do you have someone that would like this framed on their desk or on their office wall? This would make a fun, easy, little gift for that hard working person in your life!
If you have not had a chance to check out my shop yet, I would love to have you visit! Just click on the link at the top right next to the home link! Check back often, as I will be adding new things on a regular basis.
I kind of have a thing for Dr. Seuss, and my thought today comes from the book, “Happy Birthday to You!”
This thought is perfect to frame and give to the birthday person to let them know just how special and unique they are!
I love this saying and I hope that all of you out there know just how special YOU are!
School has not started yet in our neck of the woods, but this would also be a great saying to frame to give your child before school starts, or for the older kids, it would make a fun locker sign to hang in their locker! Some children just need to be reminded how great they are when they have some anxiety about going to school!
This is formatted to an 8 x 10 print, for those that wish to frame it.
I hope that you all have a great day today and that you will all realize YOUR potential and that you will see the potential in all those around you too!
If you have not had a chance to check out my shop yet, I would love to have you visit! Just click on the link at the top right next to the home link! Check back often, as I will be adding new things on a regular basis.
Today’s thought is a patriotic one, just in time for our Nation’s Birthday.
I hope that we can all be thankful for the freedom that we enjoy. We live in a great country and I am so grateful for all those men and women who have given so much that we can still be free!
My thanks goes out to all of those that have served!
(Images from Just So Scrappy, from the Let Freedom Ring Kit.)
I have some exciting things coming to my blog soon, I am in the process of adding a shopping cart, so check back to see what fun things we’ll have!
Since I have been doing a lot of quilting lately, I thought that perhaps I should do my Thursday’s thought with quilting in mind and I have this saying written in vinyl for my sewing room, I decided it would be perfect for this week!
This saying just makes me smile! :)
I hope that it will make you smile today too!
To print this, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder and you can print from there. It is formatted to an 8″ x 10″ size.
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This would make a great little gift if you want to print it and put it in a fun frame! :)
I totally feel this way about my dad and I appreciate all that he has done for me! He is a great example for me and ever since my mom passed away, I have been able to spend more time with him and I just enjoy being around him. I love that I can still call him for any gardening help or handyman needs! Thanks, Dad, for all you do for my family! We all love you!
I also have to say that my husband is a great example of this in our own children. He has always been their biggest supporter, whether in sports, business or family life. They all still call their dad for advice and help and I am so grateful that he has this kind of relationship with all of his children!
Thanks honey, I think that you are the greatest!
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