Here is a thought that is perfect for Father’s Day!
I love this saying and it would be a fun one to frame or make into a card.
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Here is a thought that is perfect for Father’s Day!
I love this saying and it would be a fun one to frame or make into a card.
Summer is just around the corner.
School will soon be out and it is time for lemonade, homemade ice cream, parades, fireworks and baseball!
If you have a little slugger in your family, here is the perfect saying for you to print and frame for them.
To print, right click over the image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder. You can print from there or you can send it to your favorite photo processing center. It is formatted to an 8 x 10″ size.
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I have had today’s thought in my office on a magnet board for a couple of years now, so I guess that I would have to say that it is one of my favorite thoughts! I love that all we need is to feed the body and the soul. So basic, yet so true!
I do not know who the author is so if anyone out there knows, please let me know so that I can give credit to the author!
(Linda in Colorado Springs just sent me the author…Marcus Tullius Cicero. Thanks Linda!)
If you would like to print this, simply right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in one of your folders. You can then print from there or upload to your favorite photo processing center. This is formatted to an 8 x 10″ size.
Today’s thought is just in time for Mother’s Day!
This would be a fun little print to frame to give to your mother for her special day to let her know that she is always with you in your heart!
To print, just right click and go to “save image as” then save in a folder. You can print or send to your favorite photo processing center. It is formatted to an 8 x 10″ size.
Please keep in touch…like on facebook or visit me on pinterest!
I was having a frustrating day last Friday and I was in a hurry and everything was going wrong. The faster I tried to go the more frustrated I got. I was driving on the freeway and people were cutting me off or pulling in front of me and slowing down, I was becoming a nervous wreck. I finally just said to myself…this is ridiculous, you are getting frustrated over petty little things. What if you had some real problems to worry about! It was a good wake up call to myself! There are bad things going on all around us, but yet there are so many more good things, if we will just keep our focus on the positive.
Then on Sunday at church we had a lesson on trials and there were a lot of different comments about how we handle our trials. There are several ladies in our neighborhood that are going through some pretty tough trials right now and one of them made the comment about how she had this saying right by her bed and one day her daughter came in when she was having a teary moment and through her tears, she said to her daughter that she could not do hard things. Her daughter replied, “Yes you can, they may just be through some tears, but you can do hard things, mom.” That really touched my heart and I have thought about that many times this week.
It is all in our attitude!
So my thought for this week is the saying that my neighbor has by her bed:
I need to print this out and frame it so I can have a good reminder! I have so many great examples all of around me of people that are doing hard things. I am so proud of them and I appreciate their strength and examples.
If you would like to print this, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder. It is formatted for an 8 x 10 picture. You can send it to your favorite photo processing center or print your own!
I think that I will look for a fun frame to put this one in!
Have a great day today and remember that
Please keep in touch…like and share on facebook and visit me on pinterest!
Here is my Thursday’s thought for this week, it really needs no introduction. I love the simplicity of this thought! I could say this to each and everyone of my grandchildren and I hope that they would all know that I really mean it! :)
I went out and took some pictures of my neighbor’s pansies yesterday morning after coming home from my morning walk. They were just so pretty and caught my eye, that I decided to use one of the pictures for today’s thought!
I hope that you can enjoy them as much as I do!
Don’t you love the message in this thought?
I love the hope that it brings and the fact that anyone can start at any point in their life to make a new ending!
This might be fun printed and framed. It would make a fun gift if you need a quick one! :)
To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder and you can print from there or send it to your favorite photo processors.
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One of my favorite Easter pictures is the one with the resurrected Savior first appearing to Mary by the tomb.
I love the looks and expressions of disbelief yet believing!
The title of the painting is “Why Weepest Thou?” by Simon Dewey
You can see it here.
“He is not here: for he is risen,”
Matt. 28:6
Since Easter is this weekend I thought I would share this Easter thought for today:
Keep in touch…follow on facebook and pinterest!
Here is my Thursday’s Thought for today:
I think that this is really important in today’s world!
This is formatted to an 8 x 10 if you want to print your own.
To print right click over image and go to “save image as” and save in one of your folders.