Well, I don’t know about you, but I had a very productive weekend. I was able to get all the Christmas put away and I went to town on cleaning my house! I got my steam cleaner going and I got everything sparkling clean! Well, at least the main living areas. :) I am still working on organizing my closet, I have been waiting for a jewelry organizer to come in the mail, and it came on Saturday, so now I can complete that little project! :)
One of the projects that we did during the holidays with a couple of the granddaughter was another “grandma sewing class”. One of my granddaughter’s kept asking me if I would do another sewing class, so we decided to do pillowcase doll dresses! The girls each got a “Fur-Real” monkey friend for Christmas, so we thought it would be fun to make some dresses for each of the dolls.