I am very excited and nervous to be attending my first blogging conference! It is going to be held right here in my neck of the woods, at Thanksgiving Point! It is a beautiful place. If you are attending, make sure that you visit the Tulip Festival! It is acres and acres of gorgeous blooming tulips and other spring blossoms that are well worth your time to see.
I am getting anxious to meet lots of talented bloggers. I have so much to learn and I am hoping that I can just soak in all the knowledge and talent from all of the speakers and other bloggers. I am not really sure what to expect, but I just know that I am probably one of the ones that will learn the most, because I am a new blogger, and I look forward to rubbing shoulders with all of the other bloggers!

If there are any of you out there who are attending, I would love to meet you! Please introduce yourself and we can become new friends!