Happy Labor Day everyone!
I hope that you are all having a great day and have had a great weekend. I went to one of my favorite places…Swiss Days, in Midway, Utah over the weekend. It is one of the only times that I will fight the crowds and go to a boutique! This year I really did not find a lot of goodies and I only stayed for about an hour and a half…which is not normal, but I just have a lot going on right now and I guess my heart was not really into it. I did find this cute bucket with the metal art in it. I love the dragonfly on the handle and there is actually the word, “welcome”, cut out of iron on the handle too, but the flowers cover that up. I couldn’t wait to put some fall mums in it and put it out on my front porch along with the fall decor when I put that out. I found some fun new jewelry at Swiss days and that was about the extent of my shopping!
After that my husband and I went on up to our property. We had to move two ATV’s down into the town so they could have a tune-up and get them ready for the upcoming hunting season. We had to make two separate trips because our trailer would only hold one at a time. But we got that done and then we went over to our cabin. My husband helped me and we cleaned the whole entire cabin from top to bottom. It just needed a good fall cleaning. It was so good to get that done…so that was my LABOR day weekend!
I have another busy week ahead…with a RS activity during the middle of the week and my Girl’s Retreat at the end of the week. It is going to be busy, but also fun!
I hope that you had a great Labor Day Weekend and that you got to spend a little bit of the time with those you love…doing something you love!
Thanks for visiting!