The other day I had a few of my grandkids over so we decided to make Oreo Christmas Trees! The kids had a great time and they each got to take their own Oreo Christmas Tree home! They thought that was wonderful! :) Continue reading

The other day I had a few of my grandkids over so we decided to make Oreo Christmas Trees! The kids had a great time and they each got to take their own Oreo Christmas Tree home! They thought that was wonderful! :) Continue reading
Here is a fun version of Muddy Buddies that would be perfect for almost any summer gathering that you might have! It is easy to make, easy to transport, easy to serve and it looks delicious to boot!
Both young and old love the taste of Oreo cookies, making this version of muddy buddies one of our all-time top favorites!
Yesterday I had a little helper here with me after school and so I decided that it would be a good day to make some flower bouquets for Valentines Day. My little helper was very eager to help me especially after finding out the the flowers would be made out of cookies!
This has been a busy week here at the ranch. Even though we are empty nesters it does not mean that we slow down very much!
My husband and I took a quick little trip to St. George, (Southern Utah) the first few days of the week. We went to two of the Tuacahn Theater Shows, “Aladdin” and “Hairspray”. They were both so good and the weather was pretty good although the first night we were there the wind came up and it got downright cold! We figured if we were going to see these shows that we had better go now, because they are going to end this week! We really enjoy going to the different shows every year! Thriller starts next week and I would love to see that one too, but I doubt that we will make it back down there to see that one! Maybe next year!
The other day I had one of my best little helpers with me and we decided that we would like to make something good to eat!
My little helper was great at measuring and pouring the ingredients into the bowl. I love to have a little helper in the kitchen, don’t you?
We decided that these Halloween Muddy Buddies would hit the spot, what do you think? Do you want to make some too?
There is a story behind this title…
a while back one of my DIL’s brought dessert for dinner on a Sunday get together and when they arrived at our house, she told her oldest son (age 9) to tell me what they had brought for dessert. He declared: “Better than Hunting Cake!” (Remember, that this is our little hunter!) Well, we all got a good laugh out of that and we all knew what the real name of the cake was, but he thought that was the real name. He has a smart mom to avoid that topic! So anyway here is a version of Chex Mix that is called Better Than Sex Hunting Chex Mix that is to die for. You have to be careful because this one is soooo addicting! It is a combination of chocolatey, sweet, salty, peanut butter, and marshmellowy bliss! Continue reading
I promised you yesterday that I would show you how to make the Chocolate Oreo Cookie Flowers. They are so fun and easy and there are just a couple of tips to help you so the cookie part does not break quite so much.
So who is ready to make Chocolate covered Oreo Cookie Flowers?
My daughter brought this fudge to our Sinterklaas party last weekend and everyone loved it. One of my granddaughter’s favorite candy bar is Hershey’s Cookies and Cream, and she told her mom that this fudge taste just like her favorite candy bar!
She found the recipe here, on Pinterest.
White Chocolate Cookies & Cream Fudge (adapted from Amanda of Fake Ginger’s Recipe)
2 1/4 c white chocolate chips
+ 1/2 c white chocolate chips, reserved (or any kind of chocolate chips)
1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
3 c Oreo cookies, chopped
+ reserve 1-2 tbsp Oreo crumbs for dusting the top layer of the fudge
1 tbsp vanilla extract
Combine 2 1/4 c white chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk and melt over low heat in a saucepan taking care to stir frequently and watch it so the mixture doesn’t burn (you could also probably do this in the microwave but I haven’t tried it). When mixture is melted and smooth, add vanilla extract. Then add the chopped Oreo cookies and stir. Pour mixture into 9 x 9 foil-lined or parchment-lined pan. Then lightly press 1/2 c white (or regular/dark) chocolate chips into the top layer. The fudge will start to set up fairly fast and just press the chocolate chips in lightly. Dust top layer with 1-2 tbsp Oreo crumbs if desired. Place fudge in freezer for at least two hours to fully set up. Remove from freezer, slice, and serve at room temperature. Store extra in the freezer or fridge and it will likely keep for month(s). It will keep for much longer than you’ll be able to keep it around.
Don’t overchop your Oreos if you want really white fudge.
A fun way to package your fudge to give it away, is to put it into Chinese take out boxes! I found mine here at Gygi’s and I just simply tied it with bakers twine, which I also got at Gygi’s. It is very simple, but cute! You could also use a cute ribbon, or twine etc to tie up your boxes with.
(This is some of my regular fudge), but I put little candy papers inside to put the fudge in, so it did not all stick together and it makes a cute presentation!
Do you have a favorite fudge recipe? I would love to hear about it!