Category Archives: Church

May 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

The months just seem to fly by and it is hard to believe that it is time for the May 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Before we know it, school will be out and summer will be in full swing!May 2016 VT handout Continue reading

April 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

It’s time for the April 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  

This month the theme is “Daughters of Our Eternal Father”.  I chose the quote from Carole M. Stephens that talks about that we all belong to and are needed in the family of God.  I love the question that was at the end of this article, “How does knowing that you are a daughter of God affect your decisions?”   That really makes you stop and think, does it not?April 2016 VT Continue reading

Easter Video

Happy Easter Everyone!

 I hope that you are enjoying this glorious Easter day!  I hope that you  will take a minute to watch this Easter video from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It is a beautiful video that tells the spiritual Easter Story.

It is wonderful to know that when we have trials and problems…He is there.  When we are happy and rejoicing…He is there.  And anytime in between…He is there.  All we have to do is reach out…He is there!

I hope that you all have a  blessed Easter and that you will find peace in your hearts and in your homes!

Thanks for Visiting!

March 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

I am trying to get the visiting teaching message out a few days before the first of the month…so here is the March 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

March 2016 VT handout

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40 Day Conference Challenge Starts Today!

Just a reminder that the  40 day conference challenge starts today!

For those of you that missed my earlier post, this is a challenge to read all of the Oct 2015 Conference Talks from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.40 day conference Feb 2016 Continue reading

40 Day Conference Reading Challenge

Okay everyone…Are you up to the challenge???  I have the new 40 day Conference Reading Challenge.  This  bookmark is for the October 2015 Conference, from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

  I actually was able to get it out a little bit earlier than planned, so you have plenty of time to print them off and get everything ready!  I know that there are quite a few of you that are printing for your ward or stake, so I wanted to give you plenty of time to get them out to everyone!  The reading starts on Feb. 17th and ends on Easter Sunday, a week before the next April Conference!40 day conference Feb 2016

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Feb. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

Happy February everyone!  

It is time for the Feb. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It looks like the messages for this year are going to be from “The Family A Proclamation To The World”.  This month’s lesson is titled, “Marriage is Ordained of God”.

I chose to use the quote from Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson, about how “If it is the Lord’s plan, it should also be our plan.”Feb. 2016 VT Handout

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Jan. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

Jan. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

Happy New Year Everyone!  

I hope that you are having a great day.

Here we are at the first of a new year and another month…so it is time for the Jan. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The theme this month is  “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

I chose to go with a “Frosty” theme, since it is winter here, and what a winter we are having!Jan 2016 VT handout Continue reading

Dec. 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout

Today I have the Dec. 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  We had all our family this year and we had a great day.  We ate, cleaned up the mess, and then I had all the kids bring up all the boxes with the Christmas decorations…then we went to the movie to see “The Good Dinosaur”, I thought that it was a darling movie and the kids seemed to love it.  They are still talking about it days later!  We then ate some more and tied 8 fleece blankets!! So it was a good day!   I got all of my Christmas put out, the next day, with the help of my 10 year old granddaughter!  She is getting great at decorating and I love having her help.  So now it is time to move into the next holiday and time for the Dec. 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout.

 I love the message for this month…it is perfect for December…“Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ:  Compassionate and Kind”Dec-2015-VT Continue reading

Nov. 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout

I know I am a couple of days early…but I thought no one would mind… for my Nov. 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!Nov. 2015 VT Handout Continue reading