Category Archives: Quotes

Two Long Weeks

I am back after being absent for Two  Long Weeks.

We had a medical emergency at our house and it was more important for me to be at the hospital than at home blogging.

But we have received blessings unnumbered!  And I am so grateful for my children, their spouses, and our grandchildren.  They were such a help and a comfort to me!  I am one lucky mama and grandma to have all of my family live in the same town!fall leaves Continue reading

Flower Thought

Today I thought it would be fun to do a Flower Thought!

I have been out working in the yard planting flowers and the garden.  The weather has been wonderful…until today!

It has turned off cold today and the weather forecast is saying to cover our tomatoes and tender plants!!! 

It is the middle of MAY…for heaven’s sake…and we are having a frost warning!
flower thought

Don’t you love this little thought.  

As women we tend to compare ourselves to each other and we need to stop doing that and  “JUST BLOOM!”

With spring in full bloom and summer just around the corner, there are going to be lots of flowers blooming everywhere.  I hope that when you look at those flowers, you will remember this thought and

 Bloom Where You Are!

On another note, my husband and I just got back from a little trip to Las Vegas.  We went to a Celine Dion show and to LeReve.  Both were really good shows and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!  The weather was warm and it felt good to get away together for a few days!  We also spent a few days in sunny St. George before coming home!  I love going on road trips with my husband.  He was my own personal chauffeur to quilt shops, malls, eating out and sight seeing!

Thanks for Visiting!  Remember to blossom today!


Before I do my Choices-Thought I want to wish every mom out there a Happy Mother’s Day!

Today is the first day of school here so…I want to wish all of you mothers out there an unofficial Happy Mother’s Day!  I used to call my sister every year on the first day of school and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day…and I kind of feel like a young mom today, because I am sending one of the kids that I tend on a regular basis to school all day today!  He is in first grade and I have been tending him since he was 6 months old!  It is a bittersweet feeling, because you miss the baby/toddler stage, yet you are happy for their future!  I am not sure what I will do with my time now, but I do have some fun plans for the next couple of weeks to celebrate!  (I could clean house or work in the yard, but that is no fun!)

Now on to today’s post!

I thought that it would be fun to do a quote from our 40-day conference reading.  It is from the talk by President Monson on choices:Choices-thought-000-Page-1 Continue reading

Don’t Look Back

Today I decided to do a thought, since I have not done one in awhile!  I chose this Don’t Look Back Quote, because so many times we find ourselves look back when we really should be looking ahead!inspiring-quotes-000-Page-1It is easy to get caught up in the daily routine of life and forget what our focus and goals are.  We tend to dwell on the negative when we really should put our energy into the future.

Sometimes as women, wives, mothers and grandmothers we tend to dwell on the past, the “what could have been” or the “I should have done this differently”, so for all of you out there that think that way sometimes (me included)… “don’t look back because you’re not going that way”.  Let’s make today the best day ever!  Throw those regrets out the window and let the new day in!  Let the power of positive be your companion today and put on your shades because your future is bright!

This is a good quote to put on our bathroom mirrors, so that every morning when we are getting ready for the day, we will be reminded to look forward, have a positive attitude and tackle our day with faith and hope!

Thanks for Visiting today…let’s make it a great one!

Be The Good

I decided that my thought for this week should be: “Be The Good”, in lieu of what is going on in the world this week.  It is really easy to get discouraged and wonder what is ever going to become of some of the world turmoil, but we need to remember that we can all “Be The Good” just with the attitude that we have!Be The Good

 This would be a great thought to print and/or frame.  To print as a jpeg, right click over the image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder.  You can print your own, or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.  This printable is formatted to an 8 x 10 size.  For those of you that would like the PDF format, just click on the link below:

Be the good

I would like to challenge each one of you that read this post, to have a positive attitude today, to go out of your way to say hi to someone… and to give your smile to every person you meet today!  This small act can truly change someone’s day.  If you want to carry it a step further, do a kind act of service today.  This could be for someone you know, in your family or friends, or it could be for a complete stranger.  It will make you feel good and I know that the person you serve will be happier too!

Just imagine what the world would be like if every single person did this!  :)  I know that  there are still going to be problems in the world and trials in each of our own lives, but if we can just stop for a minute or two and think of those around us it will make our own little corner of the world a better place!

Thanks for Visiting today!  Hope your day is a great one!

You Know Your Life Has Changed When…

I have not done a thought in awhile, so I decided that it is time to start again.  The one that I picked for today is -You Know Your Life Has Changed When…going-to-the-grocery-store-alone-000-Page-1

Isn’t this the truth!!! :)

This printable is formatted to an 8 x 10 size,  If you want to print it as a picture, jpeg, right click over the image and go to “save image as”  then save in a folder.  If you would like the PDF download, simple click on this link:  going to the groceery store alone

 I remember those days so well!  One thing that I used to do when my kids were about ages 6-10 or so, is give them each a dollar.  They were not to buy something for themselves…but they had to pick out something for one of their siblings.  They had to think about it and try to figure out what they would like.  I also tried to teach them to get the most for their buck that they could.  I had almost forgot about this little trick until my daughter reminded me of it a while back.  But this was also back in the day when they could get several things for a dollar!  It was good for them to think about each other and what the other person might like.  We rotated the siblings around so they had a different person each time that we did this little  experiment!   It is amazing the ingenuity of mothers when put in stressful situation!  The kids thought that it was great fun and mom (me) was able to get through the shopping trip without a tremendous amount of trouble.  We had plenty of stressful, whiny, shopping trips too, but this is one idea that actually did work when I had to take all the kids with me!  :)

What is one of your

You Know Your Life Has Changed When… 

Moments??  I really would love to hear about it!

Thanks for visiting today!  Happy Monday Everyone!

The images for this quote are from “”, from the “Going Places” collection.  They are used with a CU licence.

It is Not Happy People…

Happy Friday everyone!  I thought that today I would just share a thought that I have posted before, but it is a great one to think about- It is Not Happy People…It is not happy people...

I love the autumn time and the beautiful colors.  This picture was taken in front of my house and I love these beautiful trees that line our neighborhood.  And so it is with a grateful heart, that I decided on this thought for the week!  We need to all remember…It is Not Happy People…  We all need to work on being a little more thankful in all things, including me!  I am grateful for the many blessings that my family and I have… and even though they are hard…I am thankful for the trials too, because they make us all stronger.  I am even thankful for these beautiful trees…that is until I have to start raking all those leaves!  :)

I hope that you are all having a great day and that you have some wonderful plans for the weekend!  We have a baptism for one of our cute granddaughters, so that will be fun!  I hope that all of you get to do something that you love with someone that you love!

Thanks for Visiting!

August 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout

Can you believe that it is almost August already??  Where did the summer go? Well…I guess that it is time for the August 2015 visiting teaching handout, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

This month the message is:  Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ-Meek and Humble.  You can see the entire message by clicking on the title.  

I decided to use a quote and a scripture this time.  The scripture is from Luke 22:42 and the quote is from Elder Ulisses Soares.Aug-2015-VT-000-Page-1 Continue reading