Last Friday I showed a couple of Easy Christmas Rice Krispie Treats. Today I have a couple of easy Christmas Oreo treats! These are super easy to make because you start with Oreo cookies…so there is no baking…just assembly!I have a fun Oreo reindeer and a darling Oreo Polar Bear!
To make the reindeer, insert a sucker stick in the middle of the Oreo cookie, then carefully dip in melted white chocolate. Tap off the excess chocolate and lay on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Add the candy eyes and a red nose before the chocolate sets. I used red Sixlets but you could also use a red M & M for the nose. Then add two broken pretzels for the antlers and you are done. Tie them up in a small cellophane bag and you have a fun little gift treat to give to some you love!
My little moose is hording these reindeer all for his own in this picture!
The polar bear Oreo cookies are so darling and they are also easy to make. You will need the white chocolate melting wafers for these little cuties! Cut off 1/3 of a wafer to make an ear. Cut as many as you need and set aside. Next dip your cookies in melted white chocolate. Tap off the excess chocolate and lay on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Add one chocolate wafer for the muzzle and place the cut wafers for the ears. Using some of the melted chocolate and a toothpick “glue” a black mini jelly bean for the nose and black bead candies for the eyes. I added a snowflake “flower” to the ear of a few of them to make girl polar bears!
These are so fun for a party, a small gift, a party favor, or just for your family! Both of these food crafts could be done with children…and they would love to make these!
So now you have some fun Oreo treats and some fun Rice Crispie Treats and you did not even need to turn on your oven…it doesn’t get much easier than that!
Have you done a lot of holiday cooking and baking yet? I have been working on my gift list this last week and so now I need to start making the fudge, peanut clusters and whatever else I have a craving for! :) But isn’t this what the holidays are all about? Good Food, Good Friends, and Fun Memories!
Happy Monday Everyone! Hope your day is a
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