I mentioned last week about an activity that we had for Relief Society for our church. We made 72 hour food kits to put in a 72 hour emergency kit. These kits contain enough food for one person for 72 hours. They have non-perishable foods in them. The only thing that you have to add is water. It would also be great to have your own portable stove or Bunsen burner to heat the water for the hot chocolate or to make the soup, but of course, you could eat these things cold. If you were hungry, it would not matter!
These food kits are wonderful because you can put them in the 2 gallon ziplock bags or seal them in mylar bags! We bought the freshest food that we could find, but they will expire in about a year or so. Some of the items have a 2 year expiration date, but we just told the sisters to eat everything in a year and make a new one. A good reminder if you are a member of our church, is to eat them while you are watching General conference next October and then have an activity to make the new ones! :)
Here are all of the items that are inside of this bag! There is really quite a bit of food here and it has enough calories to sustain you, plus you have your protein, fruits and carbs to keep you going! We were able to do these kits for $10 each and that includes everything you see here plus the ziplock bag to store them in.
Here is a sample menu of what we did. We have 3 meals for 3 days plus 2 snacks a day and a moist wipe to clean your hands before each meal!
We provided one bottle of water in each kit to make the powdered drink mix with. There are also Capri Suns and a juice box. (I think that my juice box got traded with someone, so my kit has 3 capri sun drinks)
You will need to add water to each kit! It takes one gallon of water per day per person!
This is enough for drinking, making your food and personal hygiene.
I made these labels that we added to the water bottle that we gave them, so they will always have that reminder of how much water they need right there in there packs! So if any of you want to make these kits for your family or for your ward, here are the labels to add to a water bottle.
Just print these, cut them out and tape around the bottles.
In light of all the natural disasters that seem to be so prevalent, these food kits could literally save you and your family! They are a supplement to your regular 72 hour kits with your first aid kit, clothes and emergency supplies! I feel better just knowing that I have these kits ready to use at any time, should the need arise.
Do any of you have a great idea that relates to emergency preparedness? I would love to hear about them and to share them with other readers. Let’s get prepared and then we can have a little more peace of mind.
With the holidays coming, these make great gifts for those that you love, and I honestly do not know of anyone who would not appreciate receiving a gift like this!
Thanks for visiting today. Have a great weekend! Love Ya!
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Interesting……thank you for sharing this. One never knows how the winter is going to surprise us. I’m sure I have three days of food in the pantry, but the water……I doubt it.
Hope this helped you. You do need to get your water supply and just store it somewhere that is convenient.
I’m such a panic ridden person, I couldn’t help myself, and HAD to click on this link at the link party palooza! Thanks for sharing!
I hope that this helped! Thanks for visiting today.
This is a great idea!
Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!
What a great post! I tried making my own 72 hr kits when we first moved to California, and it was a disaster. I ended up replacing them with store-bought 72 hr kits. But those need updating every few years, and I may try out your method next time. Thank you!
Love the idea . Hope to use it this week on our relief society activity
Ada, This is a great activity for RS. We have done it a couple of times and it turned out well both times. Good luck with your activity.