Mock Frosty Recipe

 Mock Frosty Recipe

I have been back on Weight Watchers for a couple of months, so therefore, I have not shared any of my yummy recipes!  Because most of the recipes I share are rich, delightful, fat laden dessert recipes!  Ha Ha!

But I still need to have a delicious treat without taking all of my points!  I found this recipe on Weight Watchers…I just make it different! (more…)

July 2018 Ministering Handout

July 2018 Ministering Handout

Happy almost July! 

I don’t know where the time is going, I just know that it is going!!! :)  It is time once again for a new ministering handout! 

If you would like to know more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, click on the link. (more…)

St. George Trip

Last week my husband and I took 3 of our granddaughters for a St. George Trip!  We had so much fun and I thoroughly enjoyed each one of the girls!

This post is a little bit picture heavy, so I am warning you beforehand!  :)  But I want the girls to be able to look back at this post any time they want to remember the fun times we had! (more…)

June 2018 Ministering Handouts

Hope everyone is enjoying the start of summer!  And with the coming of summer I have the June 2018 Ministering Handouts! (more…)