March 2024 Ministering Handouts

March 2024 Ministering Handouts

Where oh where did February go????  It just seemed to slip by in the blink of an eye and it is already time for the March ministering handouts! 

Easter is in March this year, so I knew that I wanted to do something with a quote on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Here is what I came up with…not one quote…but two!  (more…)

Feb 2024 Ministering Handout

Feb 2024 Ministering Handout

Happy February everyone!  I hope that all is well with you and you are all getting ready to welcome spring!  Well, at least those of you who live where spring is just around the corner!  I am so excited to get out in my greenhouse and start planting flower seeds!  This will be my first year of using my greenhouse for this purpose!  So wish me luck!


Jan. 2024 Ministering Handouts

Jan. 2024 Ministering Handouts

Well…hello new year! 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season, and you are now ready for a NEW YEAR!  I love new beginnings and new possibilities!  It seems like a great way to start out a new year!  In a world filled with despair and wickedness, with problems and pain, we should strive more than ever to have hope.

So, for my Jan. 2024 Ministering Handouts I wanted to bring out the value of hope!  This is going to be my word or emphasis for this year.  We all can strive to have greater hope!


Dec 2023 Ministering Handouts

Dec 2023 Ministering Handout

Happy Holidays everyone! 

Hope all is well and you are filled with the Christmas spirit! 

Our family is getting started with our annual Sinter Klaas Party the first weekend of December.  It is always a fun way to welcome in the Christmas season.  This tradition started after our oldest son came home from his mission to The Netherlands and we have been doing it ever since!  We have had to change up what we do to adjust for the ages of our grandchildren, but everyone seems to love it and we don’t have to compete with the other families for a date!!


Nov 2023 Ministering Handouts

Nov 2023 Ministering Handouts

Hey, everyone welcome to November!  I love this time of year when the weather is a little cooler and you can enjoy being outside…even if it’s to do fall cleanup in the yard!

A little tidbit about me, that you probably don’t know…we installed a greenhouse this last summer and I am learning all about planting and propagating and I am hoping to start a lot of my flowers from seed this winter!  I am not doing a vegetable garden, I am doing a cut flower garden.  I love it and I have a ton to learn!  That is why I enjoy being outdoors.

Anyhow, the message this month is about having gratitude in our circumstances.  Pretty sure that a lot of you remember this talk, given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf...”Grateful in Any Circumstances”


Oct 2023 Ministering Handouts

Oct 2023 Ministering Handouts

Well, Happy October everyone!!!

Fall is in the air and the weather is finally cooling down a bit.  The leaves are changing colors and it is time for sweatshirts, football and comfort food!

This month I have a challenge for you!! 

I challenge each one of you to not be afraid to share one of your talents or gifts with the ones you minister to!


Sept 2023 Ministering Handouts

Sept 2023 Ministering Handouts

Happy September everyone!  I hope you are all enjoying the end of summer and the beginning of fall…or you are enjoying whatever season it is where you live!

Here, the kids are all back in school and things are back to a more scheduled life.  I love the fall time!  It is a season of gathering and learning. 


August 2023 Ministering Handouts

August 2023 Ministering Handouts

Happy August everyone!  Hope you are all enjoying your summer if you live where it is summer right now!  We are experiencing a heat wave as are many other people in the US.  So stay inside if you can and cool down!


July 2023 Ministering Handout

Hey everyone, Happy July!  It is time for the July 2023 Ministering Handout

Hope you are all enjoying your summer and that you are getting to spend time with your family and friends!

This month I wanted to go with a patriotic theme and what is more patriotic than the “Title of Liberty”?  (more…)

June 2023 Ministering Handout

Hey Everyone!  Welcome to the June 2023 Ministering Handout!

I hope you are all doing well and are ready for summer!  I have been working like a crazy old lady out in my yard.  I am so excited, because I am getting a greenhouse!!  I am going to learn how to propagate, plant from seed, and re-grow all kinds of plants.  I am not trying to grow a big vegetable garden, but rather a cut flower garden!  It is so fun and I am learning so many new things.  I’ll show you pictures when it is all installed and ready to go.

So throughout this process I am learning about the importance of bees and butterflies and that is what lead me to the theme for this month!  So here’s the Buzzz…. (more…)