May 2023 Ministering Handouts

May 2023 Ministering Handouts

Happy May to Everyone!  Hope you are all doing well and enjoying Spring.  That is, if it is Spring where you live!  Here in Utah, we are finally getting some warm weather, but our state is in great danger of flooding with all the snow melt!  Yikes!

This month for the ministering message, I wanted to honor all women in honor of Mothers Day.  So therefore,  I chose President Nelson’s talk, “A Plea to My Sisters”

I am sure that many of you will remember this talk.  It was given in Oct 2015 Conference. (more…)

April 2023 Ministering Handout

April 2023 Ministering Handout

Hey everyone!  Hope you are all doing well and enjoying a beautiful Spring.  Here in Utah, it is still winter with more snow in the forecast!!  Ugh!  But I am excited for all the water and we definitely need the moisture, so I guess I need to quit complaining!

This month for the ministering message, I have had a song playing over and over in my mind.  So, I decided that I needed to incorporate it into my message for this month. (more…)

March 2023 Ministering Handout

March 2023 Ministering Handout

Hi everyone! The old March winds have blown in along with more SNOW!  I know we need it here in Utah…but could it please just snow up in the mountains and not on my driveway!!!  :)

This month for the March 2023 Ministering Handout, I chose a quote from President Russell M. Nelson.  But I found it in the talk from President Ballard, titled “Follow Jesus Christ with Footsteps of Faith”.

There are several things going on in my life right now that are making me think about how strong my faith is and ways that I can increase my faith.  So I have been dwelling on this quite a bit lately. (more…)

February 2023 Ministering Handout

Hey everyone, it is time for the February 2023 Ministering Handout!

I hope all of you are just a little bit warmer than we are here in Utah!  It is freezing this week!  It just makes me want to stay home and curl up with a good book all afternoon. (I may need a nap also!) (more…)

Jan. 2023 Ministering Handout

 Jan. 2023 Ministering Handout!

I love January and the new BEGININGS!  I am not one to make a lot of resolutions, but I do like to start new things and learn new things…this year is no different.  Are you as excited as I am to learn more about the Savior’s life in the New Testament?

This month, for the Jan. 2023 Ministering Handout, I have chosen one of Pres. Nelson’s talk from last conference, titled: “Overcome the World and Find Rest”


Dec 2022 Ministering Handouts

Merry Christmas everyone!  Hope you enjoy the Dec 2022 Ministering Handouts!

This time of year is always so crazy hectic for me.  It seems like we have all of our activities the first week of Dec!  After that I can usually settle in a little more and enjoy the holidays.  I know that some of you have a hard time with the holidays and I totally get that.  It can be a wonderful time and it can be a very difficult time.  I pray that whatever situation you are in that you will feel the love of the Savior and that he can warm your heart.

This month I chose a talk from the 2011 Christmas Devotional by President Thomas S. Monson.

Nov 2022 Ministering Handouts

Nov 2022 Ministering Handouts

Hey everyone, I am so excited about the Nov 2022 Ministering Handouts!  The message this month comes from the ENTIRE Oct 2022 conference talks! The idea for this handout comes from my good friend, Becky Burgess Eastmond.

Because she is the one that did all of the work putting all of these conference quotes together!  As a result, you get to benefit also!  Thank you so much Becky, for letting me share your talents here on Pink Polka Dot Creations. (more…)

Hocus Pocus Quilt

Hocus Pocus Quilt

I hope that none of you faint when you see that I have actually posted something other than my ministering handouts!!!!!!

I have kind of gone into hiding the last few years with some family health issues and I have not done much sewing.  This is the first quilt I have made in the last couple of years! (more…)

Oct 2022 Ministering Handouts

Oct 2022 Ministering Handouts

Happy October everyone!  This is one of my favorite times of the year!  The fall leaves are turning, apples are crisp and yummy, the weather is getting cooler and of course it is time for General Conference!

Sept 2022 Ministering Handout

Sept 2022 Ministering Handout

Hey everyone, hope all is well with you and you are ready for Autumn to begin!  I am so ready, but there is just one small problem…it is still in the upper 90 degrees and even 100 degrees all week here in Utah!  It is pretty hard to get into Sweater Weather just yet.
