Pillow Beds

My daughter made these darling Pillow Beds for her kids and they absolutely LOVE them!  They can lay them flat to lie on or they can make them into a bed chair!  They are perfect for watching TV, reading books, a sleep-over or just for lounging around!pillow bedsLook how fun these Pillow Beds are!!


Sugar Cookie Lemon Tarts

I mentioned when I did the Visiting Teaching handout that I had lemons on the brain, so today I thought I would share this fun dessert that I made last week…Sugar Cookie Lemon Tarts!  It doesn’t get a whole lot better than sugar cookie tarts filled with a lemon filling and topped with whipped cream!  I have a couple of other recipes that I want to try out this next week…there is just something about lemons that are so refreshing in the hot summer months!  I love the tartness of lemons along with a bit of sweet, it is just very refreshing!sugar cookie lemon tarts (more…)

Secret Service Saturday

I have not done a Secret Service Saturday post for a while and it is LONG overdue!


Before I explain what this is I want to tell you what happened to us last week…I had two of my grandkids that I tend on a regular basis and my husband and I.  We had gone to lunch at a restaurant and we were headed to a splash park for the kids to play and cool off a bit.  We stopped at a gas station and I ran in to get a couple of drinks.  There was a bit of a line and I was at the end of the line.  When I got up to the counter to pay for my drinks, the lady standing next to me, told the clerk that she wanted to pay for her drink and for mine!!!  I told her that she did not need to do that, but she insisted! I thanked her for her kindness and I went out to the car and told everyone how nice that lady was, immediately everyone started thinking of ways that we could pay it forward too!  So even though it was a small act of kindness…it had a huge impact!!!  I have no idea who that lady was but I hope she knows that she did a great deed that day and that it impacted several lives!

So today, or sometime this weekend, I would like to challenge you to do some form of secret service!  It does not have to be anything big, it could be a helping hand, a smile, pay for a drink or someone’s lunch, a visit with someone shut-in, or just some kind of service where there is a need.  Look around you and you will soon see something that you can do!

I hope that you will take this Secret Service Saturday challenge and make someone else happy.  It will do YOUR heart good!

Thanks for Visiting…Have a great weekend!

Aug. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout

Are any of you out there melting as much as we are here in Utah?  It is definitely the dog days of summer!  Maybe that is why I have had lemons and lemonade on my mind all week…and that is what I have chosen for the theme for the Aug. 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!Aug 2016 VT handout (more…)

Sew Together Bag

Today I have a fun Sew Together Bag that I want to show you!

I ordered this pattern several months ago and I have even had the fabric for awhile, but have just not taken the time to sew it together until now…but now I am kind of hooked on making these darling bags and have made two of them and have the supplies to make several more!  I am a little bit crazy like that!  :)

sew together bag (more…)

Pioneer Days Celebration

Here in Utah it is a holiday weekend…it is Pioneer Days, our state holiday!  Celebrating when the pioneers first arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.  We had our Pioneer Days Celebration by spending a couple of days at our cabin and then up at our hunting property!  We have added a pavilion on the property with a fire pit, so of course we had to roast hot dogs and make smores!July 2016-003 (more…)

Fairy Garden

When my husband and I went to Waco, TX, last month, we went to the Magnolia shops and I was able to purchase some items to start a Fairy Garden!  I have never really thought about having a fairy garden, but when I saw the cute accessories that they had there,  I got excited about making one!fairy garden (more…)

Vinyl and Tie Dyed Shirts

We have been busy at our house doing all kinds of fun crafts this summer.  A couple of the projects that we have done are Vinyl and Tie Dyed Shirts!  The kids have had so much fun with these and they were super easy to do!

I tended one extra granddaughter for a few days over the 4th of July Holiday, so we thought it would be fun to make these red shirts!
vinyl shirts (more…)

Hipster Bags

I made a hipster bag back in May and my granddaughter and her friend decided that they wanted to make one, so we got some fabric and these two cute girls went to work.  We ended up doing part of them one day and finishing them the next week!  Here is what their Hipster Bags looked like:hipster bags
