March 2023 Ministering Handout
Hi everyone! The old March winds have blown in along with more SNOW! I know we need it here in Utah…but could it please just snow up in the mountains and not on my driveway!!! :)
This month for the March 2023 Ministering Handout, I chose a quote from President Russell M. Nelson. But I found it in the talk from President Ballard, titled “Follow Jesus Christ with Footsteps of Faith”.
There are several things going on in my life right now that are making me think about how strong my faith is and ways that I can increase my faith. So I have been dwelling on this quite a bit lately.Therefore, I need to do the things listed in this quote.
Take charge of my testimony, Work for it. Own it. Care for it. Nurture it so it will grow. Then watch for the miracles in my life!
Don’t you want miracles too? I think we all want more miracles!Here is the message card. For those of you that would like to print as a jpeg image, simply right click over the image. Go to “save image as”. Then save in a folder of your choice. All images are formatted to a 4 x 6.
Included is this blank card for those of you that would like to translate. Or if you are in need of a spring card, handout, note or invite, perhaps this will work for you!
Also included is this fun tag for those of you that need a tag!
You can add a cute little succulent plant to go with the handout.
I think this is like our testimony in the fact that we need to care for it, and nurture it so it will grow! But you could add anything that you like, a treat, a trinket, a decoration etc.
Those of you that would like the PDF Download, simply click on the link(s) below:
2.March 2023 Ministering-Blank
So that is the March 2023 Ministering Handout.
Please remember…it is your sisters that are important…Not the Handout!
Make sure your sisters know how much you love and care about them!
Happy Ministering!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for everything you do! I’ve followed you for a long time, the things you make and do bring joy to my life, but I just got busy in my life and lost you. I have committed to being a better daughter of God and decided to start with being a better ministering sister, but didn’t really know where to start and I remembered you….you hold a sweet place in my heart and I thank you for being so kind to all of us who need creative help! I looked back and saw your beautiful quilt from a few months ago, it’s so nice to know you’re getting along better and things are going well for you again that makes my heart happy!!.
Love ya back!!! Ann
Ann, Thank you for your kind comment. Welcome back! I am so glad you have joined us again. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!
thank you so much!