Hey everyone! Welcome to the September 2021 Ministering Handout.
Does it feel like that we are back in a whirlwind with all of life’s stuff again? I cannot believe how busy we all got… in not a very long time! We have a lot going on with our family and I am sure that you do with your family too! So we will get right to it with September 2021 Ministering Handout!
This month I am thinking about the harvest. (Maybe because I am in the middle of canning peaches!) But when you think about harvest…you have to think about the seeds that you sowed before hand. If you want pumpkins you have to plant pumpkin seeds. If you want tomatoes you have to plant tomato seeds or starts. You have to plant what it is that you want to end up with. It is no different with us and the habits and personality traits that we want to have. We have to plant good seeds if we want to have good results. We have to cultivate and take care of these good traits if we want them to end up the way we hoped they would when we planted them!
This talk, entitled “God’s Harvest“, by Elder Uchtdorf is where the quote is from.
“Where we sow, we reap.
That is the law of Heaven.
That is the law of God’s harvest.”
This handout shows some of the seeds that we sometimes sow. Some are great and some are not so great. So ask yourself at the end of the day…What kinds of seeds did you sow today? I know for me that somedays I do a lot better than other days, but we have to just keep trying to cultivate the good seeds and weed out the bad ones.To print this as a jpeg picture, right click over image. Go to “save image as”. Then save in a folder. You can print from there or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.
All of my images are for personal use only. They are not for resale.Here is the blank card. This is perfect for those of you that would like to translate. Or if you are in need of a cute card, handout, note or tag, this is where you can add your own personal information.
These tags are fun to tie to a treat, a book, a bag of seeds, or perhaps even some of your own harvest that you planted!
Again, there are blank tags for those that would like to add their own sentiment!
All of the cards are formatted to a 4 x 6 size.
For those of you that would the the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:
1.Sept 2021 Ministering Handout
2.Sept 2021 Ministering Handout-blank
3.Sept 2021 Ministering Handout-tag
4.Sept 2021 Ministering Handout-tag-blank
I made some yummy Harvest Mix to put in these fun bags that I found. There is no recipe, but these are the ingredients that I used. Just add whatever amount you like of each to make a yummy, sweet/salty mix:
Bugles chips
Honeycomb cereal
Chex Muddy Buddy- any flavor
M & M’s ( I used peanut ones)
Rolo’s unwrapped
KitKat unwrapped
(Other options: marshmallows, popcorn, goldfish, chocolate chips, craisins, yogurt raisins, candy corn, candy corn pumpkins or anything your heart desires!)
So that is it for the September 2021 Ministering Handout.
As always, be sure that the ministering is more important than the handout. Make sure your sisters know how much you love and care about them!

You make my day the first part of every month! I can’t wait to see what you have created for us. It really does make it inspiring and exciting to look forward to ministering to our sisters. I love to share it with my daughter and daughters in law; my best friend in Tacoma WA. You truly are a blessing to so many…know that I pray for you, and thank Heavenly Father for you, and your sweet giving spirit. Love to you…
Bonnie, Wow! Thank you so much for your kind tender words. They mean a lot to me! I appreciate your taking the time to write them down and your sweet support. Happy Ministering!
I’m touched by your generosity of heart and hand. Thank you!
Kathryn, You are welcome. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I loved hearing from you. Happy Ministering!
Thank you for starting every month with my giving love to my sisters. I look forward to sharing and actually visiting even if they just have a minute. Thank you
Thank you for sharing the 1st of every month with a wonderful idea for sharing my sisters. I can actually visit every sister even if they have just a minute. Thank you for for your motivation
Jan, You are welcome! Thank you for your kind comment. I love hearing from you. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!
I wish I knew where to look for the cute brown paper bags.
Jan, I got them at PAK-N-Wrap, Inc. in Sandy, Utah. So if you live in the area, that is where I found them!