I think that I am like some of you in the fact that I love purses and I love ruffles. So when I saw this pattern last spring to make this purse I just knew that I had to have it! This has been one of those projects that I was excited to do, but finding the time was a bit difficult because life just got in the way. I didn’t really need it for anything other than the fact that I just wanted it! So it kind of got put on the back burner, but now that it is done I am thrilled that I finally finished this project and I love the way that it turned out!
It does not have really long straps, which I like, because I can just tuck it up under my arm.
It is a big, spacious bag, 15 1/5″ wide x 12″ tall. It has two pockets in it, which I made into 3 pockets. and it is so roomy inside. I love the black polka dot lining. I guess I should have used pink polka dots :) :)
This is the pattern: It came from Izzy &Ivy and it is called Petunia! The instructions and the pattern were great and pretty easy to follow. However, this is probably not a project for a beginning seamstress.
Now that I have made one, I may just have to make another bag in the spring!
Or maybe not.