My mother was the best bread and roll maker around when she was alive. She tried many times to teach me this talent, but I just never quite got it. My bread was either hard as a rock or so light and airy, there was no bread! After my mom passed away, I decided to take a class on bread making, because I felt like I really needed to learn this talent and felt bad that I had not learned it from my mom. One thing that I did learn was that it is important to have bread flour! My mom used to always get her flour from Canada (because that is where she was from!) but you can get it anywhere. My bread is still not as good as my mom’s, but my family loves it and I at least have the confidence to try new bread recipes! This is one that I experimented with and I liked the way that it turned out. So did my husband!
If you have any fresh rosemary you really need to try this recipe sometime. It is so yummy! My rosemary plant was getting big enough for me to trim, so I cut off several of the stems and made this bread. I love this rosemary bread, because it has some of the rosemary mixed right inside the bread and not just on the top! This would be a great bread for your Easter brunch!