Today I have the 35 Day Conference Reading Challenge for April 2018 Conference!
Okay everyone…Are you up to the challenge???
This is for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
April General Conference 2018.
The 35 Day Conference Reading Challenge for April 2018 will begin on Aug 27th! So today I have the bookmarks ready for you to print and to start getting all your supplies together!
There is a front and back to the bookmark.
You can print both sides if you want, or you can simply print the reading schedule on one side.
They are formatted to 3 bookmarks to a page, for those of you that need to print multiples.
For those of you that just need one bookmark, I have included both the front and back on one page.
There are no jpeg images of these bookmarks, only the PDF download. You can print them from your own printer on an 8.5 x 11 paper.
Click on the download that you want.
(1) 35 day conference bookmark Apr 2018
(2)35 day conference April 2018 bookmarks-back
(3)35 day conference bookmark Apr 2018 one set
For a fun challenge, get your family, friends, or ministering sisters in on the challenge with you. It is fun to discuss your reading and compare notes!
I always recommend getting your own Conference Talks Magazine so you can mark it all up and write your thoughts in the margins!
The page numbers are for the May 2018 magazine with the conference talks.
Also, I came up with a fun reward idea in this 40 Day conference Challenge treat that I made a while back. Click on that link for the free printables.
And, if you like your magazine to lay flat…it is a great idea is to spiral bind your magazine: Just take your magazine to a copy center or any place that does book binding. It is also a good idea to laminate the front and back cover to give it a little more stability.
Or…you can also use a big paper clip to keep the bookmark in place.
This time I have done all of the talks in their consecutive order because there were so many of the talks that built upon each other. We just kept getting one surprise after another!
*But notice on Sept 10th that I combined 2 of President Nelson’s talks together!
It is great to review all of these talks one more time before the next conference. A lot of the kids have gone back to school now and so this is a perfect time to get ourselves back on schedule too!
You have a few days to get everything together and we can all start together!
So this is the 35 Day Conference Reading Challenge for April 2018!
Are You Up to the Challenge?

i LOVE that you do this and hope you never stop! i always look forward to it and cherish these times of year when i read the conference talks.
Melinda, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your words and your support! Happy Reading!
Rita Wahoo. Thanks for doing this. You’re the best!
Natalie, You are welcome. Thank You for all your support on your Facebook page! I appreciate it! Good luck with the challenge!
Thank you so much!
Julie, You are welcome. I hope you enjoy your reading…good luck with the challenge!
Thank you so much Rita! I look forward to this each time, and so appreciate your effort! Years ago with one of your first Conference Reading Challenges, you had also given a link to a gal who did printables that went along with each Conference talk. I’ve gone back in your archives, but can’t seem to find it. Do you by chance happen to remember?
Jody, Thank you for taking the time to write your comment. There are so many now that do printables that I cannot think right off the bat who it was, but the one most likely was She is one of the first ones that I followed. You can google or look on Pinterest to find hundreds of printables now days! Hope this helps…good luck with the challenge!
I plan to join . Thank you
Kathleen, Yeah! Good luck with the challenge!
This is my first time. iI always look forward to each general conference. i know thst this will helo me grow spiritually and increase my knowledge in the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Karryn, Thank you for taking the time to write your comment. Hope you enjoy the reading…good luck with the challenge!
Thank you for taking the time to remind us how important it is to prepare for General Conference. I like knowing that I’m part of a great reading group!
Shelley, Thank you for your kind comment. I love having you be part of the group too!…Happy Reading!
Please tell me that you are going to have this same plan for the 2018 conference issue?
LeAnn, I will do it again, but not until 35 days before the next conference. So read the talks now, and then you can review them again right before the next conference in April! Happy Reading!
Do you have this same challenge for the October 2018 conference?
LeAnn, I do the conference challenge about 40 days before the next conference, so you can review the talks again right before the new ones in April. I am hoping that I will be able to continue this challenge, but right now I have some family health issues that we are dealing with, so I cannot make any guarantees. Hopefully I will be able to do the challenge.
Can’t wait for the one to come out!!!
*next one
Melinda, I am sorry to say that I will not be doing a 35 day challenge this time. Maybe when some of my family’s health issues settle down a little more, I will be able to do it again in the future. Thanks for understanding.
I wanted to tell how I have missed your handout for reading the conference talks. I have given so many of them to those vt me and I vt. You always do such a great job and I do understand the time and energy it takes to care for our own health and that of our family. Please just know that you are appreciated.