March 2025 Ministering Handout

March 2025 Ministering Handout

Happy March everyone!  Hope you are all doing well and looking forward to a wonderful new month!  I am lucky to have you all here and I appreciate your sweet support!

But I am going to be scaling back a little bit now, I will still do the message card as well as a blank card, but I am not going to show a small gift idea unless I have something new and original. As I am a full-time care giver now, I need to scale back a little bit.  Occasionally I will try to give ideas, but I know that you have many ideas of your own.

This month I chose this quote from Neil L Anderson.  It is from his talk last conference, titled, “The Triumph of Hope”:  “As we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, we see beyond our struggles to the blessings and promises of eternity. Like a light whose brilliance grows, hope brightens the darkened world, and we see our glorious future.” 

As a caregiver this quote gives me great hope!

This is the message card.  It is formatted to a 4 x 6 size. 

For those of you that would like the jpeg image, simply right click over image.  Go to “save image as” then save in a folder of your choice.

You can now print your own or you can send it out to your favorite photo processing center.

Here is the blank card.  It is perfect for those that would like to translate.  Or if you are in need of a cute card, note, handout, invite etc. all you have to do is add your own text!

You could pair this card with a fun St. Patrick’s treat, flowers, a visit or perhaps even a lunch date!  We are “lucky” to have each other and the opportunity to minister to others!

Those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:

1.March 2025 ministering

2.March 2025 ministering-blank

This is my March 2025 Ministering Handout. 

I hope you enjoy it.  Please remember that it is your sisters that are important…not the handout!  Make sure they know how much your love and care about them!

Happy Ministering!

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11 thoughts on “March 2025 Ministering Handout

  1. Thank you for all the beautiful cards and messages each month. I write alot of letters to inactive sisters and these are so perfect for sending messages. Bless you as you go forward as a caregiver. I took care of my Mom for several years, here in our home and it can be challenging at times.

  2. I so appreciate these lovely ministering handouts you provide each month! You are an angel of a woman. I pray you will be blessed with strength and peace as you embark on this new service as a caregiver. As an extension 0f “our Savior’s hands”, may you be greatly blessed!

    1. Christie, Thank you so much for your kind words. They truly mean a lot to me. I am relying on the Savior every day to help me. I hope your have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!

  3. Hi Rita,
    I love your ministry messages you create each month! I’ve been copying and printing them for many years even before our visits to women was called ministering. Many people are impressed with the beautiful clipart associated with the messages each month. I always tell them that I did not create it but I get it from your wonderful website. I too am a mother of four and have grandchildren. I’m also a caregiver to my mother that lives with us for nearly 4 years now. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents and inspiration to many.

    1. Janette, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind words. I pray that the Lord’s hands will be with yours as you care for your mother. I know that I have been helped and carried many times in the last few years. It is a blessing and a challenge to be a caregiver, but I do believe we receive many blessings. Hope you have a great day. Happy Ministering!

  4. Rita- what a blessing you are as a daughter, a mother, a grandmother and a minister of more than you can imagine. I’m a divorced mother of four sons and now 3 daughters and 2 grandchildren. For the past 20 years or so, you have been my “ministering companion” as I’ve been routinely assigned to sisters who are less active. Some months I print 10 or so after baking cookies to leave with additional sisters who need extra love. May you feel the additional support and love from the community you have helped to create here. Your talents and inspiration are felt far and wide! (One of my sisters covers her oven door with your thoughts each month and can’t wait for next month’s message as she reviews the entire year while cooking). God bless you as you bless your parent as a caregiver!

    1. Becky, Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! They mean the world to me and have brightened my day. I love that you are ministering to many sisters. Thank you for sharing your story. I usually print out about 10 or so each month also. It is a fun way to connect to my sisters and my family. Thank you for your blessings in caring for my husband. We all have trials, and we need each other! May the Lord continue to bless you in your ministering efforts! Happy Ministering!

  5. Thank you for your ministering messages – I use them quite often as they are so pretty. You have blessed a little area in England with your work.
    Having been a caregiver, I understand what a challenge that can sometimes be and wish you well.

    1. Fiona, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I know that there are many caregivers out there in the world, and I appreciate your well wishes. It is challenging but I just have to remember that I am not alone. Happy Ministering.

  6. I was looking early for April. I’m going out of town 3/30 and I was hoping to find your wonderful message a day early I painted rocks with the message Jesus ♥️ You. Thank you for your help and motivation. Happy Easter

    1. Jan, what a cute idea! I am hoping to get my message out by the end of March, but that means it will probably be after you go out of town. If I can get to it sooner, I will try. Happy ministering!

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