Right now is the best time to buy a patio set because they are all on clearance! I was wanting a tall table and chair set for our cabin to put out on the deck and when I started looking, they were all on sale! (Score!)
I found this set that was perfect for what I wanted, it was the right height, no glass on the table, padded seats and swivel chairs!
But it had these UGLY back pillows! They were very weird because they hit you right at your lower back and you felt like you were leaning back in the chair!
So I decided that I needed some bright, cheery pillows to add a little color to this fun set.
This is much better! :)
Another great thing about doing this at the end of the summer, is that all the outdoor fabric was on clearance also! So these pillows cost me less than $20 for all four pillows! All I did, to make these pillows, is cut two squares for each pillow, sew around the edge, leaving just enough room to turn. Turn right side out, add the pillow form, that you make from a regular bed pillow and sew the pillow closed. Then when the fabric on these fade, I will just make an envelope slipcover next year to cover the pillows!
And while we were sitting out on the deck, we had this darling little visitor! It is a twin, but the other twin wasn’t as brave as this one, and I could only get a picture of this cute little one!
This is the view that I love to look at from my new chairs!
And here is another view:
My old patio chairs are not tall ones and the railing was right at eye level, so these new chairs are perfect, and I can see for miles and miles!
This is the perfect view to end a beautiful night!
So even though, it is the end of the summer buying season, I will enjoy this new set for many weeks still to come!
Do any of you have a favorite place that you like to sit out and enjoy the world around you? It is really my source of peace and quiet to be able to just sit and enjoy the outdoors whether at the cabin or at my house and it recharges my batteries for the next day!
I hope that you have a great Monday! Love Ya!
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I have some new Christmas items in the shop now, if you get a minute, I would love for you to take a look. You can never start too early for Christmas, right?