Okay, last week was one of those weeks! It was very busy…not necessarily stressful…just busy. I know that all of you have those weeks sometimes and by the end of the week you are just exausted, right?
My week started out on Monday by bottling and freezing peaches and tending kids. It was so good to get my canning done. We picked the peaches the Sat. before and I got 5 boxes of peaches off my little tree this year! Then on Tuesday, I cleaned out all of my pantry…so that I could put my new bottled fruit on one of the shelves. Wed. I went with my dad for his cataract surgery and Wed night I had to give a short talk at a Relief Society activity for my church. I thought that I was going to bottle my dad’s peaches for him on Thursday…but my dear sweet sister sent me a text and told me that she and dad had gotten them all done on Wed. night! I am so lucky to have such a great sister! :) So on Thursday I went to see how my dad was doing and we took a little trip down to the food bank (after cleaning out my pantry on Tues!) On Friday my husband and I usually like to go to our property in the mountains and then to our cabin, but my husband was inducted into the Lehi High School Hall of Fame, during the halftime of the homecoming football game that night! He was given this award for all of his service and time he has spent with the sports programs in Lehi throughout a great many years. It was quite an honor and we are proud of him!