I have been asked to help with one of the service projects for the BYU Women’s Conference this year. I am excited to be a part of this organization. They always do so much good in these service activities.
This year, one of three of the projects that they are doing is making felt backpacks for school children. The fun thing about this project this year is that it is going to stay right here in our own communities!
I was asked to help sew some of the velcro on the backpacks. This was done by machine and that is the only thing sewn by machine. The rest of the backpacks are all sewn by hand! That is what all the women will doing Thursday night of the conference! It will be quite a sight to see so many women doing service all at the same time!
This is only a very small percentage of all the backpacks that will be made that night.Isn’t this one of the cutest little “Backpack” models that you ever did see?
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