We have the winner of the Lucky Leaf giveaway…
Pick by our very own special Rafflecopter!

We have the winner of the Lucky Leaf giveaway…
Pick by our very own special Rafflecopter!
I was contacted by a company called “Lucky Leaf” and asked if I would like a free sample of their products and then in turn would I write a post about it. I was actually quite excited about it when I found out that it involved food! So a few days later I received a fun package in the mail and I was excited to try out some of their great recipes!
The first recipe that I tried out was the frozen pie pops, who would of thought to make a Popsicle with canned pie filling? Not me, but I tried this recipe and they were delicious and so full of flavor. I love the cute pop mold that they sent, the handle on the top looks like a tongue sticking out ready to lick the Popsicle! As you can see a couple of my grand kids did the kid-taste test and it looks like they passed, they loved them and I loved how quick and easy they were to make.