Well, it has been over a week now since my accident and I am so happy to say that I am on the mend! I am even typing this post myself! (My DIL typed for me last week!)
My cut is healing well and the bruises are turning beautiful colors, so that is improvement. I cannot lift anything over 10 lbs for another week or two, so I am still very limited. I do not have any external stitches, rather, they super glued the top layer together, so that is great that I do not have any outside stitches that will need to be taken out. My energy and strength are slow in coming back, but I will just take it one day at a time.
My family has been amazing! My daughter has stepped right in and taken over with so many different things, that I don’t know how we would have done it this past week without her. And all while she worked full time too! She is a keeper. My son in law text-ed me and ask if he could come and water my pots, and he knows how many pots I have and he still did it. It has been in the 90’s all week, so they would not have lasted very long if he had not done that! My husband has literally been by my side the whole week and has done everything from laundry, to cooking, to getting me dressed. He has been a great little slave! :) I think that I must be the luckiest girl in the whole world.
I have also had so many friends, family, and neighbors that have called or come to see me and cheer me up and offer their help. I am truly blessed when it comes to friends, and neighbors…they are the best!
I also want to thank so many of you who left comments, emails and Facebook comments. I am sorry that I could not respond to any of them, but I want you to know how very much I appreciated your kind comments and prayers and your support. I was brought to tears many times. THANK YOU!!
I am learning to slow down…it is hard for me to learn that, but I guess this was a good wake-up call. I have a couple of projects that I had done before this all happened that I will try to post this week. I will only be posting a couple of times a week for a while because it is hard to do projects with one hand and especially when that hand is my left hand and I am very right handed!
Sometimes when something happens to you, you start to wonder why…not why did this have to happen…but why am I so very blessed!
Thanks again for all of your support! Have a great week everyone!

Rita, when I heard about your accident I couldn’t believe it. It makes you take a breath and realize how many little things we take for granted in life, and how quickly things can change. I’m so sorry this had to happen to you, but know that my husband and I have had you in our prayers since we heard. Glad you were at home with many people around you that could jump in to help so quickly. I’m not one who rushes over at a time like that, I always feel I am in the way more than I am helping. It’s good to hear you are recovering…slowly is good, you don’t want to rush back in to things. I’m always reminded by my husband to “be patient with the healing process”. We’re all so glad you will be fine~
Seven years ago I was in a life and death situation and I’m so grateful that God chose to preserve my life! It was humbling to be in a position where I had to rely on others to care for most all my needs as I recovered from emergency open heart surgery. Though it was a difficult time, it was such a joy to have the outpouring of love from friends, family and neighbors who expressed the love of Christ in countless ways! God never wastes our pain, our illness, or our heartache if we allow Him to be the healing balm He promises to provide. I’m so glad you’re much better Rita and that you see both huge and small blessings all around you! :-) God bless you!
I read that post to my husband and we could not believe how something so innocuous, that we do every day, could impact one’s life so much. (I have to be honest, I made him do the dishes for a week until I got over my fear.) We just realized that life can change in an instant, so to enjoy every moment. I am glad to hear that you are healing well and that you have such a wonderful support system. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Maybe this wasn’t so mysterious, but it forced you to slow down a bit and enjoy those around you. Silver linings. Keep taking it easy and take the time to heal. Blessings to you.
Allyson, you are right. We need to be grateful every single day for our blessings and love those around us because you just never know what tomorrow might bring. I am so blessed and I am grateful for all the tender mercies the Lord has given me! Thank you for your sweet comment and your blessings. I hope that you have a great day. By the way, let your husband keep doing the dishes for awhile longer, it makes him appreciate you a little more! :)
Please don,t take such drastic measures to get your betterhalf to do the dishes or what ever . just forget to fix his meal &tell him you were busy . see how quick things change. I batched for about 10 years before I got married so I know how much work keeping house & cooking is I still cook a lot .so does my son.