Labor Day Weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year! Not because we have some great family traditions that we do, but because I have a personal tradition that I do! I go to Swiss Days in Midway, Utah every year. I have been going for years and I look forward to it every fall! We go up Provo canyon to get there and it is always such a beautiful drive because the leaves have started turning their bright and beautiful colors. There is usually a little bit of coolness in the air and it is perfect for shopping at all the different boutique booths!I go with my best friend, but he does not shop with me, he is just my chauffeur! He delivers me right to the front of this madhouse and then he picks me up again when I am done shopping several HOURS later! It doesn’t get any better than that, or so I thought. This year I called him around noon to tell him that I was done shopping and so he came right up and picked me up. We went into Heber to grab a bite for lunch and when we got done, my husband kept asking me if I didn’t want to go back for a little while longer. I assured him that I had probably spent my fair share and I should be done. But then he said: “Swiss Days only comes once a year, why don’t you go back for a little while longer, I don’t mind.” Seriously! What husband encourages his wife to go shopping more! So guess what I did? I went back for more! What a sweetheart that I have!!
This is what the madhouse looked like first thing in the morning! For a girl who hates crowds, I sure don’t seem to mind this one! :)
These two booths were my favorite ones, but there are so many fun ones that I could not take pictures of them all!
Here are a few of my purchases: I absolutely love this new calendar/magnet/dry erase board! I got 3 different puzzles from the Art Dowdle booth, I get new ones every year and I put them out at our cabin, I usually have one in progress most of the time! I also got some fun jewelry and a few other small decorations for my house that I will show later. But you should be proud of me, I only bought one (small) Halloween thing, I think that is a first!
I don’t know how many of you have heard of these, but they are wonderful! It is called, “in a pikle” and they are these fun wallets that are filled with supplies that you might need “in a pikle”.
But look at how cute they are! If you are interested in them they have a website here. I had to have one just because they are sooo cute! They are the same concept as my cute car kit but on a smaller scale.
I bought the calendar board because I wanted to replace this! Don’t you think it is about time to upgrade? These are so old!
This is what it looks like after! Quite a difference, huh?
I know that I am weird, but I am excited to decorate it for every month! This is what my September month looks like. I bought most of this stuff in their booth as a kit, but now I have a few ideas of what to do for future months!
I love that I could take down my old key holder and simply put them on magnetic pegs at the bottom of my board! How great is that?
If any of you are interested in these boards they have a website that you can order from. They have all shapes and sizes and even just refrigerator magnet calendars! Go here to take a look.
So that is a recap of Swiss Days for another year. (sigh) I really do look forward to this boutique every year and I am so grateful for the BEST chauffeur and friend that goes with me every year. Thanks Honey!
This post is from pink polka dot creations. If you are not reading it from our feed, it has been STOLEN. Please contact Rita to let us know. Please enjoy the posts!

Looks like a FAB day!! Yay for shopping some more hehe
LOVE the calendar!!
Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!
I love Swiss days! I will have to have Mike take some lessons from Doug when it comes to shopping.
Yes, you will! Tell him to bring you up and they can hang out together while we shop! :)