A couple of days ago my husband and I decided to do something different for Christmas Eve, Eve. Because it is our off year with all the married kids and we had already celebrated Christmas (and we found a great deal) we went to the Grand America in Salt Lake City! It is beautiful and we certainly felt pampered! Let me give you a tour of our rooms! Here is a picture of the sitting room.
The rooms were all so lovely and warm and inviting.The bathroom, with me taking a picture in the mirror!
And the beautiful, peaceful, relaxing bedroom!
We were on the 17th floor, and this was our view out of the sitting room windows. It was really beautiful at night with all the lights everywhere!
Trax went right by the hotel. My husband has never ridden on it, so I made him take a ride and we went to Temple Square to see the lights.
On the historic Temple Square, they have this beautiful nativity with the narration of the first Christmas story.
These are the majestic spires of the Salt Lake Temple.
We went into the visitor center for a little while to look at the displays and to try to warm up a little bit! It was quite a bitter cold night! When we came out of the visitor center, all the lights had come on and they were so beautiful! I love Christmas lights! There are thousands of lights on every tree!
We actually ran into some old friends and their children, that used to live in our neighborhood, another guy that went to school with my husband, (and they have not seen each other in over 40 years and still recognized each other!) and another guy from our home town that we knew. It is such a small world, and it was fun to visit, if only for a few minutes!
(Sorry about this blurry picture, I did not have my tripod and my camera was having a difficult time with all the different light sources, but you can still get the idea of how many lights were on each tree!)
We had a GRAND getaway and enjoyed the sights of the city! We rode Trax back to the Grand America and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the restaurant there.
Sometimes the simplest things bring the GRANDest memories!