I thought that it would be fun to give you a small yard tour today!
This is at the end of my driveway. I just added my chalkboard door this summer and I am loving it. Also the crate on the far right is an orange crate that I got at the Wanship Antique Sale. I love that it still has part of the original label on it!
I love having flowers in my yard and I am a little bit crazy when it comes to planting pots. But I love the spot of color that they bring to my yard and the fact that you do not have to weed them! Pots are easy to take care of, but you do have to water them every day or every other day! Thank goodness my son in law was willing to take that job over for a couple of weeks when I had my accident!
If you were to stand at the railing in the picture above and look down, this is what you would see. This is my back patio. I love my little fire table, it is perfect for making S’mores when the kids are here!
This little waterfall and pond are directly beneath the railing, to the side of my patio. We have loved this little pond even though it is a lot of work to keep it clean and running properly! My neighbor just text-ed me this afternoon and told me how much she loves listening to it from her deck in her yard! As you can see, we have little gold fish in the pond. These are the little feeder fish that you get at Pets Mart to feed to other animals. These fish have wintered over for a year and they are actually starting to get to be a pretty good size! My problem now, is keeping the kids from trying to catch them! :(
This is a new addition this year. I made this rock landing and rock pathway down the side of my garden. These stairs are off the side of the patio. I do not have a big garden, but I have a peach tree, an apple tree, raspberry bushes and strawberries. I only planted onions, tomatoes, and herbs this year!
I love this little tool box, that I picked up, again, at the Wanship Antique Sale! I love that it is all rusted out and how the colors in the flowers just stand out against the rust! This was one of my favorite finds!
This is part of the front yard. I am not sure of the name of the big purple flower. It is like a clematis because it climbs anything close to it. It is growing on a metal trellis, but I had to wind it around and around the trellis, because it was growing up into the tree above it!
This is my front porch. This is not the best picture, because I had just watered! (Duh) But it shows SOME of the pots that I have in my front courtyard. I have a bench off to the left side of this picture with pillows, etc. And I have an old wooden wheelbarrow directly behind this picture with a big potted plant in it!
So that is my yard tour for this year. It has been more of a chore to keep it up this last month and I am already thinking about when I can pull it all out for the fall! But I guess that I had better wait for another month or two! It will soon start to cool down a bit and they won’t be so much trouble to keep up. Right?
Hope that you all have a great summer day! Thanks for visiting!

What a beautiful home you have and your garden seems so peaceful…love all your potted planters….I do the same, they are easier to take care of that way….hope you are completely recovered….almost had a serious accident myself a couple of weeks ago, but my guardian angels were watching over us…wish you a calm, slow, rest of the summer, as its end is approaching quickly.
Roswitha, thank you so much for all of your support and kindness. I really do appreciate them. I am recovering well, it seems slow to me, but it has not even been quite a month, so I guess I just need to learn patience! I hope that you are okay, it is scary how quickly everything can change in just an instant! I wish you a calm, slow rest of the summer also…take it easy and just enjoy everything around you!
your garden is delightful with all the color it looks like a rainbow exploded in your garden one that I could spend hours in. thank you for such a show Susie
Susie, thank you for your kind comment. My yard really is my oasis and I love being out there in the evening to relax and just enjoy the beautiful world that we live in! It is good to have a place to go to just slow down a bit and reflect on your many blessings in life!
Love the patio in the back. Everything is so pretty! What is the bright green plant in the pots on the front porch? So pretty.
I think that the one you are referring to is called a sweet potato vine. It is a beautiful bright green color and it trails over the edge of the pot. These grow really well here and I often have to “trim” them off at least once, because they grow so much! They are one of my most favorite plants because of their bright green color and how well they flourish here in Utah.
Wow, how beautiful! I wish my yard looks like that.
what a beautiful garden. I loved the tour. I will be back.
Thanks Janice, I would love to have you visit again!
Hi Rita! It’s been far too long since I’ve visited! I was thinking about you today when I was at the market buying tomatoes. Remember the tomato sauce recipe you shared two years ago? Yes, it’s been that long already!
I see you had an accident? I don’t know the details, but I’m going back to check your posts to see if I can find out. Sounds like whatever happened you’re recovering and that’s what’s important.
Love the new look of your blog!