Today I have my new Letter Board…Diet Coke!This is my newest installment of my letter board love!
My husband agrees with this wholeheartedly!
The don’t ask me to prove it part!!! Ha Ha!
I think this is perfect for the month of February, that I express my true love!
On another note, I am still plugging away at my kitchen organization.
It all started with my pantry.
And now each day I try to clean one set of cupboards or one set of drawers. Progress is being made and every day I feel one step closer to being completely organized in my kitchen!
It is such a wonderful feeling!
Purging and organizing takes some time, but in the end, it will be so nice to have my cupboards and drawers all cleaned out. I know exactly what I have and where it is now!
We have been in our home for over 20 years now, so it is time to to de-junk and simplify!
My word for this year is
and I am hoping to keep this going throughout the whole year.
The next room that I am going to work on is my office/craft room.
Do any of you have any great ideas for craft storage? I have a large closet that is full of shelves and I need to organize craft supplies, paints, soap making supplies, flowers etc.
It would be great to hear any of your suggestions!
The border of my Bee Happy Quilt is coming along…slowly.
One day this week I spent over 6 hours working on just the border!!
And…I might be close to half way done!!
Why do I get myself into these projects???
My declaration on my Letter Board…Diet Coke, keeps me happy and the Diet Coke keeps me going.
So for now, I will keep plugging along with my organizing by day and working on my quilt at night.
What do you do during the long winter months?
Thanks for Visiting…Hope you have a wonderful day!

Wish someone would help me de-junk my house! Way to go!!
Vicki, I know what you mean…I keep wishing I had some sort of super power to get through all the clutter! :)
I love your sign, as I live on Diet Coke. I’ve been in my home for 40 years (yikes) and I’m also de-cluttering, again. Take care ~~rita
Rita, It takes a LOT of Diet Coke to get through all the de-cluttering…right? We must be spirit sisters, after all, we do have the same name!
This is too funny, clutter and Diet coke we need the coke to get through all the clutter…..
Diane, You can say that again!!!! But at least it is helping me get through all the clutter!!
I like it when my kids come to visit. My daughter comes over and helps me organize my quilting room. She is a God-Send. The last time my son was home he went through the garage andbought shelves and organized the whole garage. Now I can find just what I’m looking for easily.
Brenda, You are one lucky mom!! I keep asking my husband if he doesn’t have some kind of super power to get all of this organizing done!! :) I will just keep plowing through it all with my Diet Coke to keep me going!!