Feb 2019 Ministering Handouts

Hey everyone, it is time for the Feb 2019 Ministering Handouts.  I am super excited about the message for this month!

Before I get to the ministering handout, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that have sent kind messages, prayers and thoughts our way over the last few months!  They were each appreciated and loved!  We feel like we are getting to the point that we can now see a light out there at the end of the tunnel!  My husband is doing a little bit better every day, since his health problem and surgery in Nov.  Our cute grandson is making progress in his journey, and my dad is in a place where we know he is getting the help that he needs.  There are still many hurdles to overcome, but we can see the many blessings and miracles that have already occurred and we are so very grateful!

I know that most of you have been studying the Come Follow Me Program as I have.  The message I chose for this month comes from one of those lessons, found in John 1.

There are so many lessons in this chapter and I have absolutely loved studying the New Testament!  But, the one lesson that I picked out from this chapter is the way that the Savior invites John’s disciples to learn!

There is a talk from Elder Neil L. Anderson, titled, “It’s a Miracle”, and in there it says:

“The Savior taught us how to share the gospel. I like the story of Andrew, who asked, “Master, where dwellest thou?” Jesus could have responded with the location of where He lived. But instead He said to Andrew, “Come and see.” I like to think that the Savior was saying, “Come and see not only where I live but how I live. Come and see who I am. Come and feel the Spirit.” We don’t know everything about that day, but we do know that when Andrew found his brother Simon, he declared, “We have found … the Christ.”

To those who show an interest in our conversations, we can follow the Savior’s example by inviting them to “come and see.”

Don’t you just love this!!!

Here is the blank card for those of you that would like to translate, or if you need a cute card, note, invite or handout.  

All handouts are formatted to a 4 x 6 size for you to print.

For those of you that would like to print as a jpeg image, simply right click over the image and go to “save image as”.  Then save in a folder.  You can print from there or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.


Here is a fun little tag that you could tie to a simple little gift or treat!And some blank ones!

For those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:

1.Feb 2019 Ministering Handout

2.Feb 2019 Ministering Handout-blank

3. Feb 2019 Ministering Handout-tag

4. Feb 2019 Ministering Handout-tag-blank

So this is my Feb 2019 Ministering Handout.  I hope that you enjoy them.

Please remember that it is your sisters that matter…not the handouts!  Make sure the ones you minister to, know how much you love and care about them!

Thanks for Visiting…Happy Ministering!

Images are used with a CU license from Just So Scrappy.

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16 thoughts on “Feb 2019 Ministering Handouts

  1. Thank you so much. The message is perfect with our Come Follow Me and the gift card has a personal message. Those that we minister to appreciate the messages to Thank you I know it’s kind of shallow of me but I love the ribbon too. I hope I can find it for little gifts for our grandkids

    1. Jan, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind message. The ribbon came from Costco, but it is several years old. Hope you enjoy the Come Follow Me program as much as I do! Happy Ministering!

      1. Diane, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I am a bit of a ribbon freak…I think that ribbon just makes everything a little bit better!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!

  2. lOVE THE February ministering handout. I used to do my own, but have really enjoyed yours so I use yours. You are so clever and I’m glad that you still do them. Bless you.

    1. June, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I loved hearing from you. Thank you for your sweet support. Happy Ministering!

  3. When we were taught this lesson the “come and see” message really touched my heart. I was excited to see that you used this in your handout. Thank you.

  4. Rita,
    This is the 3rd year I’ve been following your V.T. / Ministering handouts. They help me so much with keeping in touch with my sisters and investigators that I work with in my ward. It’s difficult to visit in house all the time but with these monthly messages you share, I’m able to send a little spiritual message each month to those I am assigned to. I take your message and make it into a greeting card each month. I make a 1/4 fold card out of it. The front of the card may be your main message or the message inside the card. I use the other images with your handout for the back of the card and the inside. I use a greeting card computer software to make them. I also embellish with tiny stick on colored rhinestones for accent. Your images are perfect for accenting with little rhinestones. You are a blessing for doing this each month and I know you receive many blessings for doing this. What a wonderful service for us sisters!
    May the Lord always bless you and your family. I know you bless the lives of the sisters that I send these out to each month. Your inspiration each month is awesome! Love, Sister Suber, Franklin, TN

    1. Kay, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I loved hearing from you and all about what you are doing to help those sisters that you minister to. You are amazing and I appreciate your sweet spirit. Thank your for your blessings and prayers…they are very much appreciated. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!

  5. Rita!!
    YOU are my heroine!!!!!! THANK YOU for your creative skills, amazing ability to provide beautiful, lovely, SPIRITUAL Ministering cards, and for knowing how to touch others’ hearts with the Gospel of our Savior!!
    I so love visiting you each month and receiving YOUR incredible, humble gifts!

    1. Norma, your comment brought tears to my eyes. Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and your sweet support. You are amazing. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!

  6. Dear Rita –
    Thank You – thank you! I have sharing your beautiful handouts for a few years. I live in central Florida and the sisters I minister love them. Thank you for sharing your talent.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you deal with earthly trials.
    Hugs, Nadine

    1. Nadine, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words and your support. Thanks also for your thoughts and prayers on behalf of my family and I, it means a lot to me. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!

  7. Thank you for your beautiful messages each month! As I have new “ministering” sisters this year, I wanted to send one that you had done in 2017 for February, and I was able to find it, and print it out! I am so excited to share these spiritual messages, and beautiful art work with the inactive sisters to whom I have been assigned. You are a blessing to us as you share your gifts and spiritual insight each month. Thank you.

    1. Ruth, You are welcome. I am so glad that you were able to find the handout that you were looking for. Thank you for all the great service that you give to the sisters that you minister to. I can tell that you love them and that you serve well. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy ministering!

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