Hope everyone is enjoying the start of summer! And with the coming of summer I have the June 2018 Ministering Handouts!I wanted to do something with flowers this month, so this is what I came up with.
There is a really good talk from President Gordon B. Hinkley called: “Rise to the Stature of the Divine within You”.
I suggest that you read the talk and/or give your sisters a copy of it. It is a wonderful talk about our Divine Nature! Here is the printable card. It is formatted to a 4 x 6 size. You can print your own or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.
For those of you that would like to print this as a jpeg image, right click over the image. Then go to “save image as”. Save in a folder. You can print from there!And here is the blank one for those of you that would like to translate. Or for those of you that need a handout, card or invite!
If you would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:
2.June 2018 Ministering Card-blank
EOS lip balms are the center of the flowers.
Simply cut the center out of the flower if you want to use the lip balm. Open the cap and insert into place and replace the cap.
(How many of you noticed my mistake in these pictures?…I cut off Pres. Hinkley’s last name. But I caught my mistake and the printable cards have been fixed for you!)Found this 6 pack at Costco, but you can also find them at any big box stores.
So that is my June 2018 Ministering Handouts, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
As always, please remember it is the visit or contact that is important…not the handout! Be sure the sisters you visit know how much you care about them!
Thanks for Visiting…Happy Ministering!
Images for the ministering handouts are from“Just So Scrappy”. They are used with a CU license.

Rita, thank you so much for the wonderful handouts, and ideas. I love my sisters so much that I wanted to keep giving them little handouts. Being very uncreative myself, I appreciate so much that you have continued to make such fun, pretty, and inspiring handouts to remind them that they are loved.
That’s a ditto for me!!
Ruth, You are welcome. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas…so thanks for making my day! Happy ministering!
Thank you for sharing! You’re the best!!!
Sandra, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. Happy Ministering!
You ARE the best! You work hard and share freely–inspirational!
Debra, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. Happy Ministering!
Love your handout, I thought of putting a package of flower seeds
on it. what do you think?
Diane, That is perfect! Love that idea too…thanks for sharing. Happy Ministering!
Thank you Rita I love sharing with the sisters I am ministering to. I would give them handouts and plan on continuing to do so. The messages on the handouts are always inspirational. If I were to receive them I would love it also. Thanks for your God given talents with the handouts. I appreciate you for sharing.
Bjb, You are Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words and your support. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!
Thank you as always for ideas that make us grow and think about each of our amazing sisters and each of their personal needs!!! I love your cards and use them with my messages and also make extra cards and send them to members who need a little TLC or an uplifting message!! Happy June!!!
Norma, Thank you for your kind comment and sweet support. I appreciate both! Hope you have a wonderful day…and Happy Ministering this month!
Thank you for sharing your creative gift to all….I’m sure you know your act of “ministering” blesses many.
Michelle, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words. Hope you have a great day…Happy Ministering!
Perfect! Thanks so much for sharing!
Emma, You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. Happy Ministering!
Thank you so much for continuing these quick card ideas! I use them for ministering and in my calling in YW! They are always adorable! I’ve used the ones you’ve made or made my own message to deliver, but either way I love them!!
Jessica, You are welcome. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas…so thanks for making my day! Happy Ministering!